20/2/2013 File Name: PowerPivotExamplesExcel2013.zip PowerPivotExamplesExcel2010.zip File Size: 88.9 MB 88.9 MB There are two versions of the download file. PowerPivotExamplesExcel2010.zip – Includes samples for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1 PowerPivot for Excel 2010. This version requires you ha...
2/20/2013 File Name: PowerPivotExamplesExcel2013.zip PowerPivotExamplesExcel2010.zip File Size: 88.9 MB 88.9 MB There are two versions of the download file. PowerPivotExamplesExcel2010.zip – Includes samples for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1 PowerPivot for Excel 2010. This version requires you ha...
单独软件,单独下载安装: 下载地址:https://www.microsoft.com/zh-CN/download/details.aspx?id=45331 Power BI Publisher for Excel -说明:Excel与在线版PowerBI结合的一个插件 所有版本Excel均需要单独下载加载; 使用程度:少量使用,可以选择性安装; 支持的操作系统: Windows 10 , Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows...
文件名:Microsoft.Office.PowerPivot.ExcelAddIn.dll 文件扩展名:DLL 文件扩展名 描述:Analysis Services Excel Add-in 对象文件类型:Dynamic link library 备注:Microsoft SQL Server PowerPivot for Microsoft Excel 文件操作系统:Win32 MIME 类型:application/octet-stream ...
楼主,您好!PowePivot是EXCEL的插件(add-ins),默认是没有的, 如果需要您需要网上下载或者购买。如果您装完powerpivot插件在2013选项卡上不显示,可以尝试以下操作:File > Options > Add-Ins >click Disabled Items > Go. > Select Microsoft Office PowerPivot for Excel 2013 and click Enable.如果...
1.6理解PowerPivotforExcel201318 1.7创建一个PowerView报告20 第2章使用PowerPivot的独特功能25 2.1加载外部数据源25 2.1.1创建PowerPivot数据透视表28 2.2使用DAX语言29 2.2.1创建计算列30 2.2.2创建计算字段33 2.2.3计算复杂聚合35 2.3刷新PowerPivot数据模型37 第3章DAX简介39 3.1理解DAX计算39 3.1.1DAX语法39 ...
September 17, 2013 how to access data based on users using power pivot for excel 2013. For example we have different stores data such as India , USA, London, so one user can able to access India store data only, in this case how can we provide restriction while opening the...
文件名:Microsoft.Office.PowerPivot.ExcelAddIn.resources.dll 文件扩展名:DLL 文件扩展名 描述:Analysis Services Excel 增益集 对象文件类型:Dynamic link library 备注:Microsoft SQL Server PowerPivot for Microsoft Excel 文件操作系统:Win32 MIME 类型:application/octet-stream ...
Your guide to quickly turn data into results. Transform your skills, data, and business - and create your own BI solutions using software you already know and love: Microsoft Excel. Two business intelligence (BI) experts take you inside PowerPivot functionality for Excel(R) 2013, with a focus...
如果你是Excel2010 版本,请从以下地址下载并安装: microsoft.com/zh-CN/dow 如果是Excel2013或更高版本,请按如下步骤设置: 1、点击 [文件] > [选项]菜单 2、选择左侧“加载项”,并在右侧底部管理位置,选择"COM加载项",点击“转到” 3、打开如下对话框,并选择PowerPivot for Excel 2013,确定完成。 4、设置...