方法自然是放在methods部分,声明方式跟js一样。addTask方法首先阻止了form表单的默认行为(提交到服务器),然后通过if ( ! this.newTask) return;判断用户是否在input中输入了内容,如果没有输入,则直接返回,不会添加新的task。如果用户确实有输入,则将用户输入的部分作为task的body部分,通过 this.tasks.push({ });...
Powerful Javascript Middleware Pattern implementation, apply middleweares to any object. A painless solution to make codes as scalable and maintainable as ReduxJS and ExpressJS. Links Project overview Documentation GitHub repo Overview Middleware functions are functions that have access to the target func...
Overture is a powerful JS library for building really slick web applications, with performance at, or surpassing, native apps. - fastmail/overture
Enhance Your PHP Apps with HTML5 and CSS3 on Windows Unlock the full potential of your PHP applications with ExeOutput for PHP. By integrating HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, you can create dynamic and modern web applications that run seamlessly on the Chromium / Blink engine offlline or cons...
Introduced with Babylon.js 6.0, texture decals offered a powerful new option of projecting images onto an existing texture of a 3D object in your scene. With Babylon.js 7.0, that same system is given superpowers by allowing the decals to seamlessly map across UV boundaries! That means that ...
A powerful little tool for managing CSS animations. Stack animations, create cross-browser blurring, set callbacks on animation completion, make magic. Full article and demos -http://labs.bigroomstudios.com/libraries/animo-js ###License All code is open source and licensed under MIT. Check the...
mark-plural-powerful-storm. Latest version: 5.11.50, last published: 10 months ago. Start using mark-plural-powerful-storm in your project by running `npm i mark-plural-powerful-storm`. There are 93 other projects in the npm registry using mark-plural-po
As you know, we will be using Vue.js to create our SPA. The Vue CLI makes it really easy to scaffold a project directly from your shell. It sets up a project with the proper dependencies and with commonly used configurations. If you don't already have the CLI, you can install it wi...
: { : }, : }); Quill Rich Text Editor Quill is a free,open sourceWYSIWYG editor built for the modern web. With itsmodular architectureand expressiveAPI, it is completely customizable to fit any need. Getting Started is Easy // // constquill =newQuill('#editor', { modules: { tool...
严格的代码规范:遵循SoybeanJS 规范,集成了eslint, prettier 和 simple-git-hooks,保证代码的规范性。 TypeScript: 支持严格的类型检查,提高代码的可维护性。 丰富的主题配置:内置多样的主题配置,与 UnoCSS 完美结合。 内置国际化方案:轻松实现多语言支持。