I am a money magnet我吸引着财富I am a love magnet我吸引着爱I am brilliant我是出色的I am magnificent我是伟大的I am happy and grateful我是开心又感恩的I am healthy我是健康的I am cheerful我是快乐的I am joyful我是喜悦的I am overjoyed我喜不自胜I am tenacious我是顽强的I am fortunate我是...
Your mindset is the most powerful tool that has infinite power and potential locked inside it. The best way to use it most positively is to remind yourself of all the blessings and the good in your life every morning using affirmations anddaily mantras. What Are Affirmations? Affirmations are...
Powerful Daily Affirmations 2020-12-20 01:35:0317:14522 所属专辑:Morning Affirmations 声音简介 I am capable 我是有能力的 I am energetic 我是有活力的 I am humbled 我是谦逊的 I am curious 我求知欲强 I am loved 我是被爱的 I am abundant ...
Not only is this incredibly motivating, but this mantra focuses on the creative sides of us that may have been pushed to the wayside in our daily life. This will help you start to see that you truly do have infinite creative ideas when you just start to trust that you are not limited....
One trick I use to be more positive is to use daily affirmations. By starting my day on a positive note, I find it is easier to brush off the bad things that happen throughout my day. #21. Keep A Journal Journaling benefits you in numerous ways. ...
地点: United States 描述: The word AFFIRMATION is a powerful word in and of itself. The most powerful AFFIRMATIONS begin with the phrase "I am." This podcast delivers a daily meditation on the power of "I am" affirmations to help you break through the barriers that are holding you back ...
These positive affirmations for anxiety and depression can help you overcome and treat these common mental illnesses. Learn why
My strategy for coming up with affirmations and incantations is simple: 1. Write out any negative beliefs or phrases that are limiting you. For example, you might find yourself say a lot: “I don't have the time” “I don't have the money” ...
You will find that over a period of time, you'll not only start to believe it, but you will start acting in line with these affirmations. By using this app daily, you will increase your confidence, self-esteem, elevate your mood, tune you into positive frame of mind and overall improve...
Similarly, you can boost your desire with affirmations too. When you keep telling yourself you can do it, eventually, you will buy into it and believe it. You can’t litter negativity everywhere and then wonder why you’ve got a trashy life. It all starts with your thoughts. ...