Behavioral adjectives Adjectives that describe behavior often fall into two camps: positive ones, which we tend to reserve for heroes, and negative ones, which we associate with villains. That being said, well-written characters are complex, and often have mixed traits. Moreover, characters can...
But be sparring. You are not writing a novel. Too many adjectives can make your slide deck look cluttered, as you’d have to skim on white space to fit longer sentences. Also, excessive use of adjectives can muddle the main idea behind your key statements. Below is our quick collection ...
saying, “Young people today need direction. They have to learn to be themselves, to develop a sense of curiosity, and not to live vicariously through characters with no personality on social media.”
Some copywriters try too hard to tell a story. They start describing the product using a bunch of unnecessary adjectives. Avoid using flowery language because it makes things harder to read, clutters your sentences, and slows down the reader. 4. Inconsistent tone Sometimes as your project...
someone we loved. Filtering the people we allow into our lives is probably the most important factor in determining whether we will live a happy life or not. Because if we let the wrong people in, we will be drained, and if we are drained, how can we expect to have abundance or ...
Mini-cards, or the card sorting approach are part of a strategy introduced by Margot Bloomstein, the author of a book calledContent Strategy at Work.With this strategy, companies create a stack of cards featuring different adjectives that represent the brand’s identity, values, or customers. ...
Positive Words To Describe Yourself Positive Adjectives That Start With A Positive Adjectives That Start With B Positive Adjectives That Start With C Positive Adjectives That Start With D Positive Adjectives That Start With E Positive Adjectives That Start With G ...
•Describeittoyourpartnerwithout namingit.Usedescriptivelanguageto helpyourpartnervisualisewhatyou aredescribing. •Canyourpartnerguesswhatitis? SynonymRace •Youhavethirtyseconds. •Thinkofasmanyalternativewordsas youcanfor… look Talkingverbs
Write down a list of a list of 10 adjectives that describe you. Now go have lunch with the five people who know you best. Ask them to make the same list about you. Compare the lists and look for common descriptors. Any variance between your list and that of the others should give yo...
When writing your mission statement, use vibrant, exciting words.Get really clear about your passion and values for operating your unique business. Create dynamic, visual images and inspire action. Describe your purpose using unusual, colorful verbs and adjectives to spice up your statements. Drop ...