The PowerFlex DC User Manual is designed to provide installation, basic start-up information, and drive parameter definitions. For detailed drive information, please refer to “Reference Materials” on page Preface-2 for a list of additional publications. Drive Storage Conditions If it is necessary ...
For a complete list of parameter changes, refer to Table A on page 3. PowerFlex® 700S Drive 2.03 3 Auto-Tune Enhancements This revision of firmware contains enhancements to the Auto-Tune functionality. New tests and algorithms provide information about the motor leakage inductance saturation ...
Not Selected (未选择) Main Menu: (主菜单:) Diagnostics (诊断) Parameter (参数) Device Select (设备选择) Memory Storage (内存存储) Start-Up (起动) Preferences (参数选择) PowerFlex 700 起动 起动由 多个步骤组成, 这些步骤用于 为基本应用 配置变频器. PowerFlex 700 起动 选择一项 1. SMART (...
Updated the description for bit 0 “Absolute” of parameter 1134 [PPMP Control] 3-110 Updated fault 33 “+/- 15volt Power” to new voltage band settings 4-8 Added new event 86 “Drive Homing” 4-11 soc-2 This information summarizes the changes to the PowerFlex 700S High Performance AC...
在PowerFlex模块属性的“变频器”(Drive)选项卡中,打开“参数列表”(Parameter List)并设置以下参数: 图24-3 输入模块名称和IP地址 图24-4 PowerFlex 70、70EC、700和700H数据链路 图24-5 PowerFlex 700S和700S 2P数据链路 图24-6 PowerFlex 755数据链路 ...®700SHighPerformanceACDrive-PhaseIIControl.PLCworldPowerFlex700SPhaseIIACDriveUserManualImportantUserInformationSolidstateequipmenthasoperationalcharacteristicsdifferingfromthoseofelectromechanicalequipment.SafetyGuidelinesfortheApplication,InstallationandMaintenanceofSolidState...
AB变频器说明书PowerFlex700S-EN.pdf,PowerFlex® 700S High Performance AC Drive - Phase II Control USER MANUAL Firmware Versions - 4.002 Important User Information Solid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electr
6. After accessing the Parameter menu, the display shows the File menu. Press the Up or Down Arrow to select the desired file and press the Enter key. Port 6 Device PowerFlex 700AC FGP: File Monitor Command Limit Config PowerFlex 700L Active Converter Power Module User Manual Publication P...
Rockwell PowerFlex驱动器IP地址设置指南说明书 • In this manual we refer to the PowerFlex 700S Adjustable Frequency AC Drive as: drive, PowerFlex 700S or PowerFlex 700S Drive. • To help differentiate parameter names and LCD display text from other text, the following conventions will be used: – ...