购买客户数: #ActiveCustomer = DISTINCTCOUNT('销售表'[客户]) i 张三负责的客户或者省份是北京的客户中的购买客户数,受上下文中的人员和省份筛选变化: #ActiveCustomer_张三_北京 = CALCULATE([#ActiveCustomer], FILTER( CROSSJOIN( VALUES('客户人员表'[人员]), VALUES('客户省份表'[省份]) ), '客户人员...
In the Power bi filter (Page level) showing all the record counts, Its not like distinct values. As my report taking to history data it taking the count of all the records. User reporting to hide it or do work around. Kindly help me on this. Is there have workaround available...
当期内老客户销量: SalesOfOldCustomers = VAR _vm_TimePoint = MIN(Dim_Date[Date])VAR _vt_CurrentCustomers = VALUES('销售表'[客户])VAR _vt_OldCustomers = CALCULATETABLE(VALUES('销售表'[客户]), FILTER(ALL(Dim_Date), [Date]<_vm_TimePoint))VAR _vt_CurrentNewCustomers = EXCEPT(_vt_Curren...
DISTINCTCOUNT 是 2012 版 DAX 中引入的函数。早期版本的 DAX 不包括 DISTINCTCOUNT (非重复计数); 如...
既然VALUES和DISTINCTCOUNT都不能使用到诸如vTable[LineSellout]的列,那么,是不是存在某个场景,是无法实现表达的? 这一思考,是本质的,对于一套公式语言来说,这考察了该语言的完备性,如果存在这种情况,则是 DAX 的缺失和必须弥补的问题了。 幸好,这种情况是不存在的,对此问题的理论讨论会更复杂,也会枯燥,这里不...
COUNTAX(FILTER(‘Reseller’,[Status]=”Active”),[Phone]) Explain this 5. DAX DISTINCTCOUNT The DISTINCTCOUNT function only returns the number of unique values that exist in a column. DAX DISTINCTCOUNT Function Syntax DISTINCTCOUNT(<column>) ...
To improve performance, we have changed that behavior: as of this release, we are pushing top N filters to DirectQuery sources when possible. When the Top N filter is based on a measure, the measure has to be based on one of the aggregations: SUM/MIN/MAX/COUNT/COUNTROWS/DISTINCTCOUNT. ...
DISTINCTCOUNT('Sales Order'[Sales Order]) Sales Amount = SUM(Sales[Sales Amount]) To see this calculation group in action, go to theReport view. Add aMatrixvisual withFiscal YearonRows,AveragesonColumns, andOrders(or any other measure) onValues. ...
DISTINCTCOUNT 对列中不同的值的数量进行计数。 DISTINCTCOUNTNOBLANK 对列中不同的值的数量进行计数。 DIVIDE 能够处理被零除情况的 Safe Divide 函数。 EARLIER 返回列中指定表扫描数目之前的值(默认值为 1)。 EARLIEST 返回列中最先存在行上下文的点的值。
Optimizing filter conditions Optimizing context transitions OptimizingIFconditions Reducing the impact ofCallbackDataID Optimizing nested iterators Avoiding table filters forDISTINCTCOUNT Avoiding multiple evaluations by using variables Conclusions 从目录来看,意大利老师在第二版除了基础部分保持了与第一版一样的结构...