This scenario focuses on one type of entity:URL. As a result, the following procedure will filter the results to only continue and send the notification when that entity is detected. Add a filter array action to keep only theURLentity type. Add a condition action to continue only if at le...
- 100 with trigger concurrency For triggers that return an array, you can specify an expression that uses a 'SplitOn' property that splits or debatches array items into multiple workflow instances for processing, rather than use a "Foreach" loop. This expression references the array to use ...
The second query expects the subarea keys and the name of the support manager as input. ASelectaction creates the array with the subarea keys from the first query’s response, which the flow then converts into a string by using the join() function, as in the previous ...
For example, you can use the Select action to transform the response of the List rows connection to the specific array format you need, then create a variable with the expression union(body(‘Select’),body(‘Select’)) to get an array with distinct rows....
I thought to create a variable array to somehow grab the column with the person's name, maybe the Created By field and put that into an array - not sure exactly how, and then check if it is in that array. If NOT, then add it and then append...
We can then check thelengthof theFilter arrayto see if there are any items (length is greater than 0). If so, there must have been at least one missing value. The expression used is: length(body('Filter_array')) If there was at least one item, w...
- 100 with trigger concurrency For triggers that return an array, you can specify an expression that uses a 'SplitOn' property that splits or debatches array items into multiple workflow instances for processing, rather than use a "Foreach" loop. This expression references the array to use ...
enclosed, you only need to join the array members together to create the string that you then can insert into the query. The following table summarizes the steps. And here is the resulting cloud flow that gets the job done. The Create CSV table and Create file steps ar...
Note: The supported types are integer, float, and string. This expression returns false:greaterOrEquals(10,100) empty Returns true if the object, array, or string is empty. This expression returns true:empty('') not Returns the opposite of a boolean value. This expression returns true:not(...
- 100 with trigger concurrency For triggers that return an array, you can specify an expression that uses a 'SplitOn' property that splits or debatches array items into multiple workflow instances for processing, rather than use a "Foreach" loop. This expression references the array to use ...