Microsoft Active Directory (AD) 是一项目录服务,该服务支持管理员管理对网络资源的权限和访问。 Power Automate 桌面版提供 Active Directory 操作来自动执行所有相关任务。学习目标 在本模块中,您将会: 连接到 Active Directory 服务器。 使用Active Directory 操作来管理用户、组和对象。
导航到此键: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Power Automate Desktop\Registration。 选择“编辑>新>字符串值”以创建名为 AllowedRegistrationTenants 的新字符串值。 双击该值并将其数据字段设置为允许计算机注册到的租户 ID 的逗号分隔列表。 例如:3EF1d993...
Active Directory 操作需要连接到 Active Directory 服务器。 使用连接到服务器操作和 LDAP 路径建立连接。 LDAP 路径指定域控制器,并应该具有以下格式:LDAP 复制 LDAP://DC=contoso,DC=demo 如果您处理组、对象或用户,则还需要指定它们的位置。 位置字段指定容器和域控制器,应具有以下格式:...
{ id=$ name=$activeDirectoryModule.Properties.displayName type=$activeDirectoryModule.type }$clipboardModule=$desktopFlowModules| where {$"Workstation"} $desktopFlowModulesToAddToPolicy+= [pscustomobject]@{ id=$clipboardModule....
Hello all! I have the following problem with Power Automate in relation with Sharepoint Lists online: I have created an instant cloud flow on Power...
1. Create a new flow in Power Automate: - Go to the Power Automate portal ( - Click on "Create" and select "Automated cloud flow" or "Instant cloud flow" based on your requirements. 2. Set the trigger for the flow: ...
When in desktop and clicking edit on power automate it loads to a blank page as in your screen shot although the flow I created works and is visible in service. Pro user account. Same issue if select a new flow and occurs in all reports and flows in desktop I have created. Any help...
When in desktop and clicking edit on power automate it loads to a blank page as in your screen shot although the flow I created works and is visible in service. Pro user account. Same issue if select a new flow and occurs in all reports and flows in desktop I have created. Any help...
Fornisce una risoluzione per un errore che si verifica quando si registra un computer in un tenant in Power Automate per desktop.
{ id=$ name=$activeDirectoryModule.Properties.displayName type=$activeDirectoryModule.type }$clipboardModule=$desktopFlowModules| where {$"Workstation"} $desktopFlowModulesToAddToPolicy+= [pscustomobject]@{ id=$clipboardModule....