可以使用 “https://xxxx.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/getpreview.ashx?path=”&First(ThisItem.Attachments).AbsooluteUrl 显示多个文件的缩略图 “https://xxxx.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/getpreview.ashx?path=”&ThisItem.AbsooluteUrl 图片清晰度根据不同设备显示 “https://xxxx.sharepoint.com/_layouts...
In the data card for this field, I used "" for the default instead of "ThisItem.Item_Qty". This setup works out fine in the edit mode, but when I ran the app in the "Play" mode, I encountered two problems; (1) instead of null value...
If(Text(Form1.Mode)="1",{ '@odata.type':"#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedUser", Claims:Concatenate("i:0#.f|membership|",User().Email), DisplayName:User().FullName, Email:User().Email }, ThisItem.PersonGroup) 0 – Edit Mode 1 – New Mode 2 – Display Mode ...
Sum(ThisItem.Dip1,ThisItem.Dip2,ThisItem.Dip3,ThisItem.Dip4,ThisItem.Dip5,ThisItem.Dip6,ThisItem.Dip7)/ Sum( If(!IsBlank(ThisItem.Dip1),1,0), If(!IsBlank(ThisItem.Dip2),1,0), If(!IsBlank(ThisItem.Dip3),1,0), If(!IsBlank(ThisItem.Dip4),1,0), If(!IsBlank(ThisItem.Dip...
Image:ThisItem.’Image Info’ Title:ThisItem.Title Select the Gallery control, Take aTrashicon beside the image which will help you to remove the image from the Gallery control. Set the below formula on itsOnSelectproperty as: OnSelect = Remove('PowerApps Images', ThisItem) ...
“RT: ” & ThisItem.RetweetCount Text(DateTimeValue(ThisItem.CreatedAtIso), DateTimeFormat.ShortDateTime) Add an image and set the Image property to ThisItem.UserDetails.ProfileImageUrl Add a connection status label Insert a new Label and set its ‘Text’ property to: ...
ThisItem.Title JavaScript Copy Set the "Visible" property of the gallery "galDropDownVal" to. varShowDropdown JavaScript Copy This ensures that the gallery will hide, or show based on the selection of the Combo box control. Add the following code to the "OnSelect" property of the gallery...