If you try to use a Filter statement where a Boolean value is not equal to something you will see that it issues a delegation warning. The following screenshot shows an example. But if I change the formula to the Boolean being equal to true then the delegation warning goes away and the...
The Switch function will check the condition that “Dropdown.Selected.Value is equal to TV then display “You have selected TV”. If not check with the second condition that “Soundbox” then displays “you have selected Soundbox”. Like that the switch case match with multiple cases. PowerAp...
UploadphotostoOneDriveforBusiness.Run(Text(timeVar, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.ff AM/PM"), varBase64); Regards, Ferran on I tried this, but I got the error: Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Compose' inputs at line '1' and column...
Width: (Value(EndDays_1.Text)-Value(StartDays_1.Text)) * 'Gantt Tasks_1'.Width/365 Fill: If(ThisItem.Status.Value="Not Started", White, If(ThisItem.Status.Value="Active", Orange, If(ThisItem.Status.Value="Delayed", Red, If(ThisItem.Status.Value="Completed", Green,Gray))) This ...
Let’s say you have 5 labels containing Text of these requirements and will be visible if its respective condition is not satisfied. //Condition to validate requirement on Label's Visible property //Length of Password should be equal or greater than 8 ...
Upload_Images_To_OneDrive.Run(Text(timeVar, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.ff AM/PM"), varBase64); It seems that the image is not encoded to Base64. Could you try the following: 1) Store the image in base64 in a variable: Set(varBase64,JSON(Camera1.P...