Max(1, 2, 3) // Returns 3 Min (1, 2, 3) // Returns 1 4. Text Functions You can use these functions to manipulate the strings of texts. Concatenate:This function combines multiple strings of text into one. The syntax for this function is given as: Concatenate(String1 [, String2, ...
Delay Minute -datacardValue82 I would like to calculate the difference in minutes between the two entered date/times and display in Text of Delay Minutes. I have tried and I just can't seem to write the correct formula. Any help on this formula is greatly...
{"id":"cMax_items","validation":null,"noValidation":null,"dataType":"NUMBER","list":false,"control":"INPUT","defaultValue":"3","label":"Max Items","description":"The maximum number of items to display in the carousel","possibleValues":null,"__typename":"Form...
Hi, Not sure if anyone could help. I have created a sharepoint list with the powerapp request form as shown below (see picture 1) which includes a section to add attachments. I would like to furt... Please clickMark as Best Response&Likeif my post helped you ...
Anyone else currently not able to create new connections to SharePoint Lists from PowerApps? No matter which site I try to connect to I do not get any lists listed. Hand entering the List name does not work either. Thanks. Deleted. seems like its working for me. I can conne...
So I edited my List form to use one that I edited through PowerApps. Has worked perfectly on all my list for a year now.However, since last week, when user...
You enter the data you want, so for the version number the text property is "Version: "&ThisItem.'Version number' Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1...
I have build a powerapps and my data source is sharepoint list.And i am going to set the permission, is there any way i can set the permission filter by...
Is there a way in SharePoint to allow all users who create or edit a record to view and edit it without giving them access to the private SharePoint list? Thank you in advance for your help. BambulaYou cannot update the SharePoint list from Power Apps if you don't h...
Set(imageurl, OpenAIDalle.Run(imagePromptTextInput.Text)) where OpenAIDalle is the name of the PowerAutomate workflow Media Type Image to display the image returned from Dall-e Power automate Create a PowerAutomate Here are the steps to create a Power Flow...