通过PowerApps,用户可以使用Gallery控件来显示集合数据,并结合一个附加变量来实现更丰富的功能。 Gallery是PowerApps中的一个常用控件,它可以用于显示集合数据,如列表、表格等。通过Gallery,用户可以自定义数据的展示方式,包括布局、样式、排序等。同时,Gallery还支持数据筛选、搜索和分页等功能,使用户能够更方便地...
首先,选择左侧控件的窗体控件,而不是窗体的子元素控件,在这个例子中,我们点击“Frm_ProjectDetailMain”,这个就是窗体控件,记得不要点击DataCard,然后我们选择属性区的“Item”,之后输入代码: GalleryProjectList.Selected 大家可能会问,这个“GalleryProjectList”是哪里来的?所有的记录源都应该是这么写的吗?当然不是。
Item = BrowseGallery1.Selected 使其得以引用上一个控件(黄色标识)所被选择的值。 新增一个按钮,命名为"提交", 在其OnSelect属性中调用.SubmitForm方法,该函数即用于将其所引用的数据提交给所连接的数据库: 然后,点击右上角三角形运行该项目(或按住Alt),在输入框中输入数据(今天是建军节,因此我输入了伟大的朱...
gallery.Selected.region - 使用gallery被选中的item DateValue - transfer string to date format Filter(Table({Region: "West",Description: "this is an apple"},{{Region: "East",Description: "this is an bear"}}), ThisRecord.Region=gallery.Selected.Region) Patch Patch(source,record) ==> Patch(...
Step3 选中库的第一个箭头图标,将其Onselect设置为:Navigate(Gallery2.Selected.ScreenObject,ScreenTransition.Fade) Step4 在BrowserScreen插入一个按钮 Back 并将按钮的Onselect设置为:Back() Step5 将Back按钮复制到DetailScreen和EditScreen Step6 运行程序,便可实现通过表来导航屏幕...
In the details screen, the places that reference the gallery's selected item will need to be changed, to reference the item variable that was passed to this screen:DetailForm1.Item: displayItem IconDelete1.OnSelect: Remove(Contacts, displayItem); If (IsEmpty(Errors(Contacts)), Back())...
Ah I see. If you only want to "View" the details of the order from the grouped Gallery, then you could set the DataSource of the Form to be the same as the Gallery Items (the whole GroupBy formula) and Item of the Fomr to Gallery.Selected. But i...
Ah I see. If you only want to "View" the details of the order from the grouped Gallery, then you could set the DataSource of the Form to be the same as the Gallery Items (the whole GroupBy formula) and Item of the Fomr to Gallery.Selected. But ...
Below is the display form which shows the variable View value. Variable View value shows gallery-selected item details. Step 3.Save the Logged User in a Global variable. We keep logged-in user details in a global variable for performance improvement. Otherwise User().Email could directly be ...
Gallery1.Selected ) Cancel Record Set OnSelect property of btnSelect as below, Set( ItemID, 0 ) Set Visible property of btnSelect as below, If( ItemID = ThisItem.ID, true, false ) Now run the PowerApps using the F5 Command.