Out of the box, this command refers to the control in the current card and returns the value of that control. The exact command to return a control’s value will depend on the type of control. A text control will use ControlName.Text, a combobox dropdown will use ControlName.Selectedan...
I ended up using your suggestion with Distinct(UserList, Manager.DisplayName) to populate the dropdown which worked. I also changed the dropdown to a combobox so I can search results and select from the dropdown however I think this leads to my next problem which is the selected ...
I ended up using your suggestion with Distinct(UserList, Manager.DisplayName) to populate the dropdown which worked. I also changed the dropdown to a combobox so I can search results and select from the dropdown however I think this leads to my next problem which is the selected ...
I ended up using your suggestion with Distinct(UserList, Manager.DisplayName) to populate the dropdown which worked. I also changed the dropdown to a combobox so I can search results and select from the dropdown however I think this leads to my next problem which is the selected ...
changed the dropdown to a combobox so I can search results and select from the dropdown however I think this leads to my next problem which is the selected user is not being saved to the FormList in SharePoint. I've updated the datacard containing the combobox so that the updat...
changed the dropdown to a combobox so I can search results and select from the dropdown however I think this leads to my next problem which is the selected user is not being saved to the FormList in SharePoint. I've updated the datacard containing the combobox so that the updat...
changed the dropdown to a combobox so I can search results and select from the dropdown however I think this leads to my next problem which is the selected user is not being saved to the FormList in SharePoint. I've updated the datacard containing the combobox so that the updat...