Power Apps Administration PowerShell lets you manage Power Apps environments in your tenants. 展開表格 Add-AdminAllowedThirdPartyApps Adds the application to the list of allowed third party applications for the tenant. Add-AdminFlowPowerAppContext ...
Restore-PowerAppEnvironment [-EnvironmentName] <String> [-RestoreToRequestDefinition] <Object> [[-WaitUntilFinished] <Boolean>] [[-TimeoutInMinutes] <Int32>] [[-ApiVersion] <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Description The Restore-PowerAppEnvironment cmdlet restores the specified Power Pla...
PowerShell Commands Add-AdminAllowedThirdPartyApps Add-AdminFlowPowerAppContext Add-AdminFlowsToSolution Add-AdminPowerAppsSyncUser Add-AllowedConsentPlans Add-ConnectorsToPolicy Add-ConnectorToBusinessDataGroup Add-CustomConnectorToPolicy Add-PowerAppsAccount Add-PowerAppsCustomBrandingAssets Backup-PowerAp...
PowerShell Get-PowerAppsCheckerRules[-IncludeMessageFormats] [-Ruleset <Ruleset[]>] [-TenantId <Guid>] [-ApiUrl] <Uri> [-LocaleName <String>] [-MaxConnectionTimeOutMinutes <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Get-PowerAppsCheckerRules[-IncludeMessageFormats] [-Ruleset <Ruleset[]>] [-T...
1 Topic Error using Remove-AdminPowerApp in the Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell module I am trying to use `Remove-AdminPowerApp`. I am a PowerPlatform admin, and I am running PowerShell in Administrator mode. The error says: "InvokeApi : The term 'Test-PowerAppsAccount' is not...
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell -AllowClobber If you are prompted to accept the change to InstallationPolicy value of the repository, accept [A] Yes to all modules by typing in ‘A’ and hitting enter for each module. ...
使用CSOM powershell在Sharepoint Online中导入查阅列中的值 根据Sharepoint列筛选BrowseGallery的PowerApps数据源 Powerapps如何选择提交到SharePoint列表的字段 使用Microsoft Graph创建带有查阅字段的SharePoint列表项 在sharepoint列表中的两个查阅列之间创建关系
PowerShell The website for the PnP Power Platform samples gallery, including Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agents, Portals, etc. hacktoberfestpowerappspowerautomatepowervirtualagentpowerfxpowerpagespowerpageshackathon UpdatedJan 7, 2025 ...
I need to get (in PowerShell) the las time a user used a PowerApp. I can get that information from the command Get-AdminPowerAppsUserDetails, but that command gives you the data of only one user, and the output is only directed to a file (that´s the way the...
view=o365-worldwide#:~:text=In%20this%20article&text=Microsoft%20365%20groups%20(formerly%20Office,resources%20such%20as%20SharePoint%20sites.) 对于PowerApps, 可以share给security group 和 Office 365 group. 如果O365 user group不能搜到,需要用powershell 把"SecurityEnabled"打开...