File:{ contentBytes:First(DataCardValue22_1.Attachments).Value, name:First(DataCardValue22_1.Attachments).Name } } );SubmitForm(FormDecision);Patch('Completion List',LookUp('Completion List','Submission ID'=Text(DataCardValue42.Text)),{Status:{Value:"R...
Update contact ContactPatchItem Update event (V3) V3CalendarPatchItem Syntax of each action listed in Table 1 ContactPostItem ContactPostItem( table, GivenName, HomePhones, { Id:Text, ParentFolderId:Text, Birthday:DateTime, FileAs:Text, DisplayName:Text, Initials:Text, Mi...
i want query for design this powerapps , i have form with combobox,listbox,combobox2 and submit button Combobox1= list out unique team name LIstbox1= Depends upon combobox1 selection team and vertical will shown, In listbox1 should be multi select option and select typ...
Update 28/07Looking at the SP site recently, the 'weird' characters seemed to have changed to just which seems to suggest this is an HTML issue but not sure how as no HTML is used in the formula??? Like 0 Reply ganeshsanap MVP to Chris_Clark1968Jul 28, ...
Patch('Clinical Supervision',Defaults('Clinical Supervision'),{'Staff Name': Last(FirstN('Staff Name',Value)).Result,'Job Title': Last(FirstN(JobTitle,Value)).Result,Email: Last(FirstN(Email,Value)).Result,'Ward Name': Last(FirstN('Ward Name',Value)).Result,S... Also, you could vote the idea at here, and seems that this idea has a status “Planned”, I guess this feature would be coming soon:https://...
Re: Dropdown list value is blank when opening existing item with PowerApps Here's what happen when I tried to edit the existing item. The rationale, Attachment, etc. all seems to show the previous entered data. While the choice/dropdown/radio fields a...
Hi, I have a PowerApp that loads data into SharePoint, via a Form submission. We have identified that some of the records for certain columns, contain a single space at the beginning? This s... Chris_Clark1968Did you try using Trim functions while patching data ...
Patch( 'Clinical Supervision', Defaults('Clinical Supervision'), { 'Staff Name': Last( FirstN( 'Staff Name', Value ) ).Result, 'Job Title': Last( FirstN( JobTitle, Value ) ).Result, Email: Last( FirstN( Email, Value ) ).Result, ...
Glad to see your problem has been solved. You could mark the correct reply as a solution. Best Regards, 33 I've added a radio control and tried it. What if I set the Default property of the RadioBankingGroup to something like ThisItem.Field002.Value?