Sometimes, people want to see other values below the user’s display name. I have an example here to show the JobTitle below the DisplayName. Select the Person column’s Dropdown menu. Then click on the Advanced tab in the right side panel. Add the text ["DisplayName", "JobTitle"] ...
So, we can easily set the default value to people picker control in PowerApps Forms, and we can update the person or group field using the Patch function. You just must generate the object with the specific format which includes Claims, Email, Department, DisplayName, JobTitle, and Picture ...
ganeshsanap I've found that another issue may have an impact on this. I've raised another discussion but it seems that this is only happening when a group of people are being added. Weird characters are appearing before two fields Staff Name an...
Patch('Clinical Supervision',Defaults('Clinical Supervision'),{'Staff Name': Last(FirstN('Staff Name',Value)).Result,'Job Title': Last(FirstN(JobTitle,Value)).Result,Email: Last(FirstN(Email,Value)).Result,'Ward Name': Last(FirstN('Ward Name',Value)).Result,S...
Hi, I have created a list on a sharepoint online site and customized the forms using powerapps. There is a manager field that i want to populate automatically in powerapps. The manager field used ...
That’s it. You can build more enhanced people picker controls using Combo box as well with a personal photo and multiple properties to be shown in the result box. PowerApps People PickerNext Recommended Reading Custom Sorting In PowerApps Using SortByColumns About...
Hi, I have a PowerApp that loads data into SharePoint, via a Form submission. We have identified that some of the records for certain columns, contain a single space at the beginning? This s... Chris_Clark1968Did you try using Trim functions while patching data ...
Patch('Clinical Supervision',Defaults('Clinical Supervision'),{'Staff Name': Last(FirstN('Staff Name',Value)).Result,'Job Title': Last(FirstN(JobTitle,Value)).Result,Email: Last(FirstN(Email,Value)).Result,'Ward Name': Last(FirstN('Ward Name',Value)).Result,S...
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