Open your mail for which the PowerApp has been shared and click the URL Step – 02: Open your PowerApps account now on the home page of PowerApps portal which is opened. If you have already signed into your PowerApps account you will be asked to sign in to the Azure AD using Azure AD...
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Add an image and set the Image property to ThisItem.UserDetails.ProfileImageUrlAdd a connection status label Insert a new Label and set its ‘Text’ property to: If (Connection.Connected, "Connected", "Offline") This formula checks if the device is online, if it is the text of the ...
I need to get the current meeting url or Id via Param function in Canvas App. Is there any way to get this value?","kudosSumWeight":1,"postTime":"2021-10-28T17:07:02.035-07:00","images":{"__typename":"AssociatedImageConnection","edges":[],"totalCount":0,"page...
One of the great things about PowerApps is that every month it gets better and better with more capabilities in the platform as well as new connectors that provide more flexibility connecting to SaaS services. Last month one of such connectors was the MSN Weather that gives you the ability to...
Height of the form window to be displayed in pixels.- **openInNewWindow**: `boolean`. whether to display form in a new window.- **useQuickCreateForm**: `Boolean`. whether to open a quick create form. If you do not specify this, by default `false` is passed.- **width**: `Numb...
For PowerApps and Flow, it will be the same, the flows and apps you create will reside in the US data centers, similar to the case for your documents. Maybe I am not fully aware of your configuration, I'd be happy to discuss the details over private messages i...
Alternately, you can also open the portal to browse the website by selecting Browse website in the Power Apps portals Studio to view the changes you have made to the website. The website opens in a new tab with URL of the website. Share Share your portal with internal or external user...
if I open the solution called “” and I double click the fileconfigService.tsI can change the URL that the Cordova app is going to consume, in this case, the following code updating the URL to the same URL where my Mobile App servi...
Once the Power Query window changes to Connect to data source, enter the SharePoint page URL copied previously in the Site URL entry field (you can go back to the tab opened to your SharePoint home page and copy it, if needed). After you paste the URL, it might be...