If you run the statements seperately they work. The issue happens when you try to run them at the same time. Message 10 of 12 1,294 Views 2 Reply datamind Advocate I In response to KevinConanMSFT 07-14-2023 07:08 AM Thanks @KevinConanMSFT it was very helpful for as...
This is only for the "Edit" form, you'd have to add some If statements to hide "HistoryComments" when creating a new item or NewComment when viewing only. You should keep an eye on what the user interface may look like, if the comments are going to...
This is only for the "Edit" form, you'd have to add some If statements to hide "HistoryComments" when creating a new item or NewComment when viewing only. You should keep an eye on what the user interface may look like, if the comments are going to...
Share Resources
Condition outcome, e.g. if/then statements for the approved or rejected states Enter the site address and list name for the SharePoint Online list that was created earlier. Next, let’s specify the approval path. There are three required fields: ...
","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:124684"},"body":"Kerem, based on your statements that PowerApps and Flow are still catching up with meeting all regulatory and security features, dependent or not to the future of ...