DisplayMode.Edit 以按钮控件为例,在将 DisplayMode 属性设置为DisplayMode.Edit时,按钮按预期正常运行。 这意味着用户可以通过选择按钮与之交互。 这也意味着该控件的OnSelect等其他属性可在用户选择按钮时触发操作。 DisplayMode.Disabled 仍以按钮控件为例,如果 DisplayMode 属性设置为DisplayMode.Disabled...
那我们要做的是,先选择上一讲我们创建的详细信息显示界面,界面名称叫做“ProjectDetailDisplay”,选择之后,点击上次创建好的控件“编辑”,然后在“OnSelect”属性中输入代码: EditForm(Frm_ProjDetailEdit);Navigate(ProjectDetailEdit,ScreenTransition.Fade) 好了,大家可以点击试运行玩一玩了,选择记录,然后点击编辑,修...
I had previously solved it by changing Form On Success to: DisplayMode.Edit And Form Item to: If(IsBlank(SharePointIntegration.Selected) || IsEmpty(SharePointIntegration.Selected),Last(MyList),SharePointIntegration.Selected) However, doing this on a new SharePoint l...
Erase: If PenMode.Erase is selected, then it will delete the existing drawing from the canvas. Display mode This controls the accessibility of the control. It has following values Edit: It means user can access the control and draw anything into it. View: If Display mode is set to View,...
2. Edit from 3. Pie chart 4. Vertical gallery 5. Display from Variable - create and update variable Tip: we can create variable at screen on visible, when the screen display create the variable. UpdateContext({var1:12}) # Variable only belong to specific screen ...
ReductionFormula -it is optional. This field is required if you want to reduce the returned record to a single value. An example of the look-up function is given below Consider the same table used in the previous example. You can apply the following Lookup function on the ‘Employee’ Tabl...
Set the Mode to Edit to allow document uploads. Note Document uploading requires the parent table record to exist. If you set the Mode to Insert, the document upload will not work because the parent table record is not created until the form is submitted. ...
Please clickMark as Best Response&Likeif my post helped you to solve your issue. This will help others to find the correct solution easily. It also closes the item. If the post was useful in other ways, please consider giving itLike....
In Add Record screen, The default mode = Edit , When I play the app, the form shows " No items to Display" In Add Record screen, The default mode = New , It shows the error " The value ":" cannot be converted to a date or time value. ...
Confirm by selectingRestorethrough Pop up window. Only the last 6 month's App can be restored. The App gets restored with a success message. Open the App in edit mode and publish. The latest version shows the live status. Final Output...