4. 利用公式获取PowerBI上下文 为了让上面建立的窗体获取PowerBI的上下文,还需要写个公式,点击左侧的图层Form1,在上面的下拉框中选择Item,然后输入公式: LookUp(备注表,产品名称=First(PowerBIIntegration.Data).产品名称) 它的逻辑是通过PowerBI上下文中的产品名称来查找备注表的信息。 5. 添加按钮 信息输入以后,还...
Select the Gallery control and go toEditproperty. Set the below fields as: Image:ThisItem.’Image Info’ Title:ThisItem.Title Select the Gallery control, Take aTrashicon beside the image which will help you to remove the image from the Gallery control. Set the below formula on itsOnSelectp...
First(cb_Region_add.SelectedItems).Region # 在多行的combo box中选取第一个。 User().FullName - User()获取登录用户的信息。 User().Email gallery.Selected.region - 使用gallery被选中的item DateValue - transfer string to date format Filter(Table({Region: "West",Description: "this is an apple"...
Gallery1.Template填充=ThisItem.Name; Gallery1.Template标题=ThisItem.AccountNumber; 8.3示例描述示例描述 在上述示例中,我们首先定义了一个数据源DataSource,它连接到Dynamics365的accounts 表。然后,我们使用Collect函数将数据源中的所有行收集到Accounts集合中。最后,我 ...
Configure the "OnSelect" property of the gallery "galSelStatus" as. Set(varShowDropdown, !varShowDropdown) JavaScript Copy Insert an Image, a Label named "lblSelStatus", and a Cancel icon into the gallery "galSelStatus". Configure the properties as follows. First(ThisItem.Attachments)....
Now, select the first item in the Text gallery and add the ThisItem.City to Text Property. Next, select the second item in the Text gallery and add the following coding to Text Property. Text(ThisItem.Product sales,"##,###").
perfect when user select to view one previous entered item. Form Personal info show all fields, when click on Job History, we set Visible property for Personal info form on False and set Visible property of Job History form on True and with this function in It...
TextDay.Text = Day(DateAdd(_firstDayInView,ThisItem.Value,Days)) At this point you should be seeing something like this:Switching monthsAdd Back and Next icons outside the gallery (click "Insert" in the ribbon --> "Icon") and place them above the gallery. Name them BtnBack and BtnNex...
Insert a new flexible height Gallery by going to Insert—>Gallery—>Blank flexible height Set the ‘Items’ property to LocalTweets Add four Labels to display the tweet, and set their properties to: ThisItem.TweetText ThisItem.UserDetails.FullName & ” @” & ThisItem.UserDetails.UserName ...
Previously, for example, a gallery of Accounts that also displayed the last name of a Contact associated with each account required a complex Lookup() expression and joining multilpe entities. Going forward, all you’ll need to write instead is ThisItem.PrimaryContact.LastName. The Contacts ...