我有两个列表,这些列表与powerapps、课程和部门相关。我正在尝试制作一个向课程添加条目的表单,但我无法让它添加从部门列表读取的下拉列表中的数据。如果我执行DropDown1.SelectedText.Value,它会显示我选择的值。有谁有什么想法吗?编辑:SubmitForm(A 浏览63提问于2021-06-04得票数0...
那我们要做的是,先选择上一讲我们创建的详细信息显示界面,界面名称叫做“ProjectDetailDisplay”,选择之后,点击上次创建好的控件“编辑”,然后在“OnSelect”属性中输入代码: EditForm(Frm_ProjDetailEdit);Navigate(ProjectDetailEdit,ScreenTransition.Fade) 好了,大家可以点击试运行玩一玩了,选择记录,然后点击编辑,修...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <style> body...
Item = BrowseGallery1.Selected 使其得以引用上一个控件(黄色标识)所被选择的值。 新增一个按钮,命名为"提交", 在其OnSelect属性中调用.SubmitForm方法,该函数即用于将其所引用的数据提交给所连接的数据库: 然后,点击右上角三角形运行该项目(或按住Alt),在输入框中输入数据(今天是建军节,因此我输入了伟大的朱...
My question is How to submit form and stay on Last added item? In OnSucess property I use this: If(_menuItemSelected="Job History", false, ResetForm(SPFormAdresar);RequestHide()) Item of form: If(IsBlank(SharePointIntegration.Selected) || IsEmpty(SharePointI...
-创建一个名为“CustomerForm”的新环境 2.2步骤步骤2:连接到连接到Dynamics365数据源数据源 -在“数据源”中添加Dynamics365 -输入Dynamics365实例的URL和凭据 -选择“Customer”实体作为数据源 2.3步骤步骤3:设计自定义表单设计自定义表单 -创建一个新应用,选择“自定义表单” -选择“Customer”实体 -添加控件:文本...
SharePointIntegration.Selected.'Draft due by'...where 'Draft due by' is the field name of the current item. Reply cwalkerlb21 Copper Contributor to JDeAraujoSep 12, 2022 JDeAraujo I am trying to use your suggestion of sharepointintegration.selected.'start d...
2. You can bind the item to a Collection/Table 3. It can have multiple layouts 4. The selected items are actually records(not string) 5. User can search for desired items to choose. Filter Filter(source,condition) => Filter(saleName, "Vincent" in ThisRecord.Item) ...
Edit Form binds theItem property with Gallery1_1.Selected. Step 2.Replace the Text column with Rich Text Editor. Event Description as rich text field column appeared as a text column. Select the particular text box. Delete the select the highlighted datacard value control. ...
Once the item property is set, the selected item value appears in the view screen. Step 5 - Add and Populate Edit Screen on Item Selection Select and click to add a new screen Rename the new screen "Flight Edit Screen" Add an Edit from the Form Section Add a data source from Form ...