4. 利用公式获取PowerBI上下文 为了让上面建立的窗体获取PowerBI的上下文,还需要写个公式,点击左侧的图层Form1,在上面的下拉框中选择Item,然后输入公式: LookUp(备注表,产品名称=First(PowerBIIntegration.Data).产品名称) 它的逻辑是通过PowerBI上下文中的产品名称来查找备注表的信息。 5. 添加按钮 信息输入以后,还...
Submit Button:OnSelect Property > If(FM=FormMode.New, SubmitForm(Form1); Set(getLastID,Form1.LastSubmit.ID);Set(varFM,FormMode.Edit),SubmitForm(Form1)) Form:Default Mode Property > varFM Form:Item Property > If(varFM=FormMode.Edit,LookUp(**Source**,ID=...
NewForm(Frm_ProjDetailEdit);Navigate(ProjectDetailEdit,ScreenTransition.Fade) 简单吧,好多代码都很像的,没有啥难的地方。 哇,这里好冷啊。。。 赶紧再写一个代码,去找地方取暖去。。。 5. 删除 剩下的最后一个按钮就是删除记录了。。。 代码如下: Remove(Project,LookUp(Project,标题=GalleryProjectList.Sel...
我有一个两个SharePoint列表: List1和List2 List1有一个与List2关联的Lookup列。示例:列表2如下所示因此,在Powerapps查找字段中,我只需要下拉列表中的Test1 (其中IsAvailable是No,只有DD中需要的值)如何在Powerapps中应用此公式? 浏览22提问于2019-11-05得票数0 ...
在PowerApps中,数据源是指应用程序所使用的数据的来源。文本字段中的数据源结果是指在文本字段中显示的数据来自于哪个数据源。数据源可以是各种类型的数据,例如数据库、Excel表格、SharePoint列表、Office 365等。 PowerApps支持多种数据源,包括但不限于以下几种: ...
Project, Contract/PO, and Customer are all single line of text fields, and in the "Default" property for those fields in the PowerApp form, the formula reads: LookUp('Current Projects', Title = Dropdown1.Selected.Title, Project). When employees are...
Before I describe my issue, first I want to confess to not following best practices when I was less-experienced. In order to create a solution that displayed "related" documents (via a lookup column) to a SharePoint list item, I customized DispForm.aspx in SharePoint Designer...
(rolling out in the next few weeks). We’re also making it easier to create drop-downs and combo boxes that depend on what’s selected in another control on the canvas — a key scenario for anyone designing a form whether it’s based in SharePoint or CDS. Previously this was only ...
FormMode=”CreateForm”, SubmitForm(CreateItemForm), If(SharePointFormMode=”EditForm”, SubmitForm(EditItemForm))) In the “OnCancel” field put the following formula: If(SharePointFormMode=”CreateForm”, ResetForm(CreateItemForm), If(SharePointFormMode=”EditForm”, ResetForm(EditItemForm)...
For existing forms or apps, just select the multiselect cards for your fields on the form. Read-only attachments support You can now also display attachments connected to your SharePoint list item in PowerApps by simply enabling the attachments field on your form/app. We know that upload of ...