Dictionary<string, object> dic = new Dictionary<string, object>(); string sql = @" select systemuserid from systemuser where domainname=@name"; dic.Add("@name", name); DataTable table = Broker.Query(sql, dic); if (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0) { systemuserid = table....
InstanceNumber= This is an optional. Use this argument to specify which instance of OldString to replace if String contains more than one instance. All instances will be replaced if you don’t specify this argument. Syntax 2: Substitute( SingleColumnTable, OldString, NewString [, InstanceNumber...
Can I request you to post the idea here ? Since in your case the end goal is to get the data in Fabric , have you explored the option to write to the lakehouse in a file and then convert that to table . ThanksHImanshu Message 2 of 12 1,454 Views 0 Reply charrington Ad...
Is it possible to use bookings functionality in a PowerApp. I am looking for a solution that will support the booking of resources in an online examination room, asking the person to do a reservation... Paul Dewhurst
string tableLogicalName = tableSchemaName.ToLower(); //sample_example // Create a Dataverse service client using the default connection string. ServiceClient serviceClient = @@ -101,9 +94,17 @@ static void Main() if (Settings.CreateAlternateKey) { if (!Settings.UseElastic) { #pragma warn...
Screen1.OnVisible = If(!_initialized, UpdateContext({_today:Today()}); UpdateContext({_firstDayOfMonth:DateAdd(_today,1-Day(_today),Days)}); UpdateContext({_firstDayInView:DateAdd(_firstDayOfMonth,-(Mod(Weekday(_firstDayOfMonth)-2,7)+1),Days)}); UpdateContext({_holidays:Table({Hol...
Then set the Visible property of your new circle inside the calendar to something like the following: DateAdd(_firstDayInView,ThisItem.Value,Days) in Filter(LoginHistory, UserId = "myId").LoginDate NOTE: You might need to do some string / date manipulations to convert the LoginDate field ...