Add Gallery and include Data verse Table as Data Source Now Add Combobox to load the choice Values, Now Connect Filter with Gallery, so that Gallery will populate the values based on the combo box selected value, Then change your Gallery Items to like this, Filter(DemoChoices,TestStatus=Combo...
Create visually enriched PowerApps Dropdown/ComboBox with images. Enhance the user experience by incorporating thumbnails or icons alongside selectable options, leveraging data binding and custom templates for seamless integration.
4. The selected items are actually records(not string) 5. User can search for desired items to choose. Filter Filter(source,condition) => Filter(saleName, "Vincent" in ThisRecord.Item) Filter(saleName,input.Text in ThisRecord.Item && ThisRecord.Region in comboBox.SelectedItems) #it can f...
This works fine, but lookup B don't save in main list - because I take data for Items from List B (to have cascade) and probably I must to modify submitform event to save data from B combobox in thisItem. Later on I'll try to send screenshots. EDIT: half success...
This works fine, but lookup B don't save in main list - because I take data for Items from List B (to have cascade) and probably I must to modify submitform event to save data from B combobox in thisItem. Later on I'll try to send screenshots. EDIT: half success...
Then the gallery will only display the filtered soft wares. Best regards, FlowMohit on27 Mar 2020at05:21:25 You can create a drop down control and set it's Items property to - ShowColumns('',"Title") Then on the text box field - LookUp('RoleBasedG...
I have spent a day trying to figure this out - in my Gallery Items, I just had the Combobox selected value as the logic test for a filter formula, and it filtered the gallery items based on the view! Now, if only I could filter the list...
Step 8- Select Radio button and in Property > Select Items and Add Choices([@Employees].Gender) Step 9- Add Dropdown on screen Step 10- Go to Dropdown > Item property , Add ["MCA","BCA","BE"] as data to it. Step 11- Now Add Combo box on Screen ...
Try this on Items property: hi BOSS Can u make formula to show only EMP NAME from combobox1 depends upon selection of team i dont want vertical v-qiaqi@microsoft.comon31 Aug 2023at11:15:31 HI@jacklara66, I don't think you haveRequestor column in your table😂 ...
I want to exclude already existing records in Table2(Having multiple columns) while binding data to combobox items. I tried below but not working as expected. ClearCollect(Table3,Filter(Table1,Not("cre80_type" in Table2))); Can someone please guide me. ...