The ClearCollect functiondeletes all the records from a collection. And then adds a different set of records to the same collection. With a single function, ClearCollect offers the combination of Clear and then Collect. ClearCollect returns the modified collection as a table. ClearCollect can on...
PowerApps Collect, Clear, ClearCollection Functions Switch Case in PowerApps Create Tabs dynamically from SharePoint List Show Hide Columns based on selected tab PowerApps People Picker control PowerApps Yes/No control PowerApps Filter function PowerApps Data table control ...
[Patch](functions/[Collect](functions/[Update](functions/ > [!NOTE] > **PowerApps doesn't work with dynamic schema**. The phrase dynamic schema refers to the possibility that the same action may return a dif...
If(!IsBlank(txtQuery.Text), ClearCollect(azResult, AzureSearchQuery.Query({search: txtQuery.Text}).value)) Následující snímek obrazovky ukazuje řádek vzorců pro akci OnSelect . Tato akce způsobí, že tlačítko aktualizuje novou kolekci s názvem azResult s výsledkem ...