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3. Value 4. User Table({Region: "West",Description: "this is an apple"},{{Region: "East",Description: "this is an bear"}}) First(cb_Region_add.SelectedItems).Region # 在多行的combo box中选取第一个。 User().FullName - User()获取登录用户的信息。 User().Email gallery.Selected.reg...
Activity 3: Using conditions to change control behavior Summary Questions Further reading Working with Data Technical requirements Creating and interacting with collections Filling collections Updating collections Displaying data as tables Displaying data in a gallery Displaying data in a data table Using for...
string month = GetValueByPickListName("new_hosiptalmsysuser", "new_month", row["月份"].ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(month)) { rule.new_month = new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue(Convert.ToInt32(month)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productTypeId)) { rule.new_produ...
Concat(LookUp('RoleBasedGroup', Title = ddRBG.Selected.Title).'Assigned Softwre',Value&",") //the result of LookUp('RoleBasedGroup', Title = ddRBG.Selected.Title).'Assigned Softwre' is a table. So you need to use Concat function to transfer the tab...
ReductionFormula -it is optional. This field is required if you want to reduce the returned record to a single value. An example of the look-up function is given below Consider the same table used in the previous example. You can apply the following Lookup function on the ‘Employee’ Tab...
FlexibleHeight:The height of each grid dynamically adjusts to the contained content (ex. choose this one if you want to add a News Feed to your app) After selecting any of the options above, in the right-hand options panel, you can now selectGallery layoutto further customize the experienc...
Tables are a value in PowerApps, just like a string or number. They can be passed to and returned from functions. Sort and SortByColumn don't modify a table; instead, they take a table as an argument and return a new table that has been sorted. ...
Add Gallery and include Data verse Table as Data Source Now Add Combobox to load the choice Values, Now Connect Filter with Gallery, so that Gallery will populate the values based on the combo box selected value, Then change your Gallery Items to like this, Filter(DemoChoices,TestStatus=Combo...
Hi all, I am new to power apps . i am trying to show data editable and viewable based on user permissions in tabbed view(ex:user create one application as a approver that information should be viewable only enable the information approve or reject and comments) how we can achieve this in...