With WhatPSU.com you can easily find out what power supply you need for your PC by simply entering your CPU model and GPU model
Please enter all the system components that you use or plan to use in your system in the fields below.To calculate the correct wattage of the power supply we use the peak power consumption of each component in your configuration according to the manufacturer's information. You can save your ...
Choose Newegg's PSU calculator to simplify PC builds. The PC power supply calculator aids in component choice, making for an easier purchasing process.
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Enter all your components into the calculator below and find out the power supply wattage you need for your system.
Power Supply Calculator 规格 版本: 添加日期: 九月5, 2017 发布日期: 八月13, 2017 价格: Free 操作系统: Windows, 上周下载: 203 附加要求 没有 通过最少的PC部件选择来估算功 Power Supply Calculator 编辑评价 FromeXtreme外部视觉:OuterVision电源计算器是最准确的PC功耗计算器,得到全球计算机爱好者,PC硬件...
Newegg Power Supply Calculator A very simple and easy to use PSU Wattage Calculator from Newegg, which is one of the largest online stores for computer hardware and consumer electronics. Well, this power supply calculator does not come with all the selections and it does give a slightly higher...
PowerSupplyCalculator 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 51阅读文档大小:11.0K2页ffaaa3afc9上传于2015-12-23格式:XLS Only fill in the yellow fields! Power Supplies 1.3 4.2 10 Amps 0 Amps Available 0 0 0 Units Product Needed Amps Units 0 Ampere Current Total – Hardware, LED + Reserve ...
You can do it manually, but that is when you have finalized all the components. If you are still changing components, especially GPU and CPU, then OuterVision Power Supply Calculator can be useful. The biggest advantage of using this tool is that you can also input your computer utilization...
boost converter or Buck-Boost Converter - (Step-down/Step-up or inverting).The calculator assumes that during the normal load the inductor is in continuous mode, meaning that the inductor never fully discharges it's current. The design equations for which this calculator is based can be found...