中文:幂律变换;英文:power-law transformation的原理;中文:幂律变换;英文:power-law transformation的定义;中文:幂律变换;英文:power-law transformation是什么。又称“伽马变换(gamma transformation)” 。灰度变换函数是一个幂函数的图像变换。它的幂指数记
We introduce a novel method of power-law transformation on the word image for binarization. We show the improvement in image binarization and the consequent increase in the recognition performance of OCR engine on the word image. The optimal value of gamma for a word image is automatically ...
This work addresses the challenge of improving the effectiveness of image enhancement based on the use of the technique of power-law transformation (gamma correction). To that end, we offer a new technique of image enhancement by adaptive power-law transformation based on the APLIT approach using...
tendency of thelocalslope of the power-law approximation to the PSD to increase with the particle diameter in the range of 1 to 1000 μm. Such a tendency is accommodated naturally in more complex approximations, such as the log-normal distribution (section or thegamma distribution(se...
On the other hand, a global gamma transformation is obtained for entire histogram. At last, the final transformation matrix is obtained by combining previously computed local and global transformation. The comparison of this technique with other state of art technique has been discussed to depict ...
A similar correlation holds if we compute the condensation energy through U-0(cal) = 3 gamma(eff)(n) Delta(2)(s)/4 pi(2)k(B)(2), with gamma(eff)(n) the effective normal state electronic specific heat coefficient. This indicates a general relationship gamma(eff)(n) infinity T-c(m...
Vilmer, RHESSI observations of particle acceleration and energy release in an intense solar gamma-ray line flare. Astrophys. J. 595(2), 69–76 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1086/378932. http://stacks.iop.org/1538-4357/595/i=2/a=L69 ADS Google Scholar J. Lin, S.R. Cranmer, C....
{0} \gamma\)represents the Marangoni number,\(E_{c} = {{U_{w}^{2} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{U_{w}^{2} } {\left( {\left( {c_{p} } \right)_{nf} \left( {T_{s} - T_{0} } \right)} \right)}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\left( {\left( {...
Step 1: The given PDE (26) is transformed into a single-variable equation by employing the prescribed traveling wave transformation [41,42,43,44]: $$\begin{aligned} q\left( x,t\right) =Q\left( \kappa \right) , \kappa =\mu \left( x-\nu t\right) . \end{aligned}$$ (27) Eq...
Assuming this property for (3), cosine transformation of an autocorrelation function [23] yields for Aj a constant power-spectrum for crustal sample sequence {φi} as a function of spatial frequency k, (4) We thus find that event independence applied to any well-log sequence {φi} of n...