First, his rigorously derived system of propositions moved the tradition toward a more formal, analytical approach to theory that was more amenable to experimental test. Second, Emerson made the structure of relations, rather than the actors themselves, the central focus of his theory, and exchange...
The Invitrogen Power blotter is a flexible semi-dry western blot transfer system designed to provide consistent, high-efficiency protein transfer.
Thermo Scientific Pierce Power System 是具备蛋白凝胶染色与转印功能的一体化系统,其染色模块可实现快速的蛋白凝胶染色,转印模块可实现蛋白从凝胶到印迹膜的高效转印,从而为您大幅节省等待时间并简化操作步骤。一个完美结合速度与性能的易用系统,助您即刻实现更便捷、更高效的Western Blot。
(d) Areal power density as a function of potential for the complete BFC system at 60 mmol l À 1 glucose concentration. The experiment was carried out under 20 mmol l À 1 phosphate-buffered saline solution (temperature: 37 °C, scan rate: 5 mVs À 1), when saturated with air (...
A novel free- mounting system for protein crystals: transformation and improvement of diffraction power by accurately controlled humidity changes. J. Appl. Cryst. 33:1223-1230.Kiefersauer, R., Than, M.E., Dobbek, H., Gremer, L., Melero, M., Strobl, S., Dias, J...
Plant partExtracting solventTest system usedAssay usedPositive control and activity (where stated)Noteworthy activityReferences Antioxidant activity FruitACEIn vitroDPPH, FRAP, and ABTSAscorbic acid (IC50of 4.37 and 1.21 μg mL–1in DPPH and ABTS assays, respectively; 2.62 TEAC in FRAP assay)IC50v...
After confirming successful amplification, the PCR product was purified and ligation-independent cloning was performed (aLICator expression system, Thermo Fisher) using a pLATE51 vector, to add an N-terminal hexa-HIStag (as per the manufacturer’s instructions). DH5-α cells (New England BioLabs...
neurodegenerative disorder POAG have been reviewed. Over all, deficiencies in retinal estrogen may potentially instigate RGC loss, visual disability, and eventual blindness. Estrogen replacement therapy may therefore be a beneficial future treatment. However, more studies are needed to confirm the ...
(1) Hydrated Na+ ions number remains unchanged but only surrounding water molecules number reduces with decreasing water content within a wide range, thus there is lack of effective ion concentration difference served as driving force in the system; (2) Hydrated Na+ ion combined with more water...
The configuration of the system at certain moment is defined by three major factors which are the number of spikes contained in each neuron, the number of steps to wait until it becomes open and the current set of synapses. With the notion, the initial configuration of the system is 〈n1/...