中国电子行业仪器优质供应商——坚融实业JETYOO INDUSTRIAL & 坚友仪器JETYOO INSTRUMENTS,专业为中国区用户提供POWER SUPPLY EA-PSI 8080-40电源仪器设备、技术培训与售后维修服务,Support、销售Sale、服务Service,3S公司,为上海华东地区一家以技术为导向的仪器综合服务商,是您值得信赖的电子行业仪器专家。 POWER SUPPLY...
中国电子行业仪器优质供应商——坚融实业JETYOO INDUSTRIAL & 坚友仪器JETYOO INSTRUMENTS,专业为中国区用户提供POWER SUPPLY EA-PSI 8080-40电源仪器设备、技术培训与售后维修服务,Support、销售Sale、服务Service,3S公司,为上海华东地区一家以技术为导向的仪器综合服务商,是您值得信赖的电子行业仪器专家。
All EA Elektro-Automatik DC programmable power supplies feature true Autoranging which automatically offers increased current at lower voltages, enabling a single supply to meet wider test requirements.The PS and PSI series feature 5 “TFT touch panel display for intuitive control, setup and ...
EA Elektro-Automatik’s line of DC power supplies, electronic loads, and bidirectional power supplies have features that allow flexibility to test multiple devices and still meet future needs. EAs PSI, EL, ELR, and PSB product series can go up to 2000V, have true autoranging and on-board a...
Typical application for a power supply is DC supply to any relevant user, for a battery charger the charging of vari- ous battery types and for electronic loads the replacement of an ohmic resistor by an adjustable DC current sink in order to load relevant voltage and current sources of any...
EA-PSI 9080-40 T 2750686 EA ELEKTRO-AUTOMATIK 台式电源, 可编程, 1输出, 0 V, 80 V, 0 A, 40 A (EN)查看其他仓库 日本5号仓库查看更多相关产品 参考图片制造商 / 说明 / 型号 / 仓库库存编号PDF操作 Elektro-Automatik Laboratory Power Supply 0...80 VDC 40 A, Programmable, EA-P...
Typical application for a power supply is DC supply to any relevant user, for a battery charger the charging of var- ious battery types and for electronic loads the replacement of an ohmic resistor by an adjustable DC current sink in order to load relevant voltage and current sources of any...
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MEANWELLPOWERSUPPLY 明纬电源/MW 台湾明纬开关电源 多少钱 单端式 秋善电子科技(上海)有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥1250.00/台 上海 TRIO-PS-2G/3AC/24DC/10 - 2903154菲尼克斯直流电源 菲尼克斯品牌 上海积进自动化设备有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥2000.00/件 上海 不间断QUINT4-UPS/24DC/24DC/5/PN - 2906993...
购买EA-PSI 9080-120 2U - EA ELEKTRO-AUTOMATIK - 台式电源, 可编程, 1输出, 0 V, 80 V, 0 A, 120 A。e络盟-电子元器件分销商_Premier Farnell 专属优惠、当天发货、快速交付、海量库存、数据手册和技术支持。