原创翻译自Brian Douglas的https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfjiwxhqd1M了解功率谱密度和功率谱 | Understanding Power Spectral Density and the Power Spectrum.MATLAB 脚本:https://bit.ly/3OHWucJ, 视频播放量 1031、弹幕量 0、点赞数 47、投硬币枚数 19、收藏人数 180
(T.F.H.)doi:10.1016/0368-3230(64)90030-8R.R. MohlerElsevier B.V.Journal of Nuclear Energy.parts A/b.reactor Science & TechnologyR.R.Mohler, Power-Spectrum Measurement and the Estimation of Power Spectral Density, TID-7676, p.77.
will scale to log y axis. Nothing can do about the shape of the spectrum; that's wholly dependent upon the characteristics of the time trace. 카테고리 MATLABMathematicsFourier Analysis and Filtering Help Center및File Exchange에서Fourier Analysis and Filtering에...
It should be noted that for proper reporting of PCE, precise measurement and calibration standards, including spectral mismatch correction, have been created. Because the PCE is affected by the wavelength and intensity of incident light, it is evaluated in a simulatedsolar spectrum. According to com...
The actinide wastes can be burned in certain types of reactor (usually the same sort that can burn thorium, but some fast spectrum reactors are designed for waste destruction). The old liners or shells and any equipment used in fuel processing will generally be considered high-grade nuclear ...
Electrocorticogram (ECoG), obtained from macroelectrodes placed on the cortex, is typically used in drug-resistant epilepsy patients, and is increasingly being used to study cognition in humans. These studies often use power in gamma (30–70 Hz) or hi
A noisy power supply can contribute to the decrease of SNR by coupling at the carrier signal and adding noise spectral components in the output spectrum. As shown in Figure 2, the SNR of the AD9208 high speed ADC decreases from 56.8 dBFS to 51.7 dBFS when a 1 MHz power supply ripp...
The emitter near-field thermal power density spectrum (Fig. 1d) is almost a single impressively-narrowband peak, as desired for high efficiency and power TPV. Scientific Reports | 6:28472 | DOI: 10.1038/srep28472 4 www.nature.com/scientificreports/ eFliegcutrroed2e. (Ogrpeteinmliinzaetsi...
a wide spectrum of procedures for degradation testing makes it difficult to compare the obtained results, thus makes their practical application unsuitable. In order to systemize the proposed testing procedures, an overview of investigations that include PEM electrolyzer degradation testing is presented he...
where rint is the intensity noise parameter defined as √(2RINlserΔf), where RINlaser is the average value of RIN spectrum (see Eq. 3.66), which is typically below −160 dBm/Hz (rint ~ 0.0004) for high-quality lasers; and Δf is the receiver bandwidth. The other sources of intensi...