電力線適配器為您帶來許多好處,包括提高速度、提高可靠性、更好的安全性、更廣泛的覆蓋範圍和更大的靈活性。就速度而言,您可以期待比傳統 Wi-Fi 連接更快的速度,因為信號不必與多個用戶共享。例如,如果兩個用戶通過 Wi-Fi 連接在一台路由器上,則每個用戶只能獲得一半的可用速度,因為他們之間共享速度;然而,通過電力...
添加了新的 cmdlet“New-AzApplicationGatewayHeaderValueMatcher”,以支持新属性“HeaderValueMatcher” 添加了新的 cmdlet“Update-AzVirtualApplianceInboundSecurityRule”,以支持网络虚拟设备的入站安全规则 添加了新的 cmdlet“New-AzVirtualApplianceInboundSecurityRulesProperty”,以支持入站安全规则的属性“rules” 向...
How to close SMB connection to remote share? How to combine all text files inside a folder into one file, including subfolders How to combine the Get-ADUser Powershell script to produce single result? How to compare current and next Iteration values of foreach loop in Powershell. how to c...
008 OCSMB: Post-override BIOS vendor Acidanthera 0 05:242 00:005 OCSMB: Number of CPU cache entries is 3 05:251 00:008 OCSMB: Number of CPU cache entries is 3 05:260 00:008 OCSMB: Number of CPU cache entries is 3 05:268 00:008 OCSMB: CPU1 display frequency is 2700MHz 05:...
Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to help you create, share, and consume business insights in the way...
I have two similar, common use cases in Power Query for which I struggle to find the easiest solution or best practice. (Easy, for me, meaning: using the...
SmbWitness Core,Desk {Get-SmbWitnessClient, Move-SmbWitnessClient, gsmbw, msmbw… Manifest 1.0. StartLayout Core,Desk {Export-StartLayout, Import-StartLayout, Export-StartLayoutEdgeAssets, Get-StartApps} Manifest 2.0. Storage Core,Desk {Add-InitiatorIdToMaskingSet, Add-PartitionAccessPath, ...
4 Az.TrafficManager {Add-AzTrafficManagerCustomHeaderToEndpoint, Remove-AzTrafficManagerCusto... Script 2.0.0 Az.Websites {Get-AzAppServicePlan, Set-AzAppServicePlan, New-AzAppServicePlan, Remove... Script 1.11.0 Az.Websites {Get-AzAppServicePlan, Set-AzAppServicePlan, New-AzAppServicePlan, ...