虽然用户可能认为 Power Query 会记录一个 “Unpivoted Only Selected Columns(已仅逆透视选定列)” 的步骤,但情况并非如此。Power Query 实际做的是查看数据集中的所有列,并确定有(至少)一列没有被选中。它不会为用户建立一个特定的 “Unpivoted Columns” 的命令,而是根据用户没有选择的列建立一个 “Unpivoted...
ref:Solved: Basic previous year measure - Microsoft Power BI Community power query:今年2021年份获取 思路: 获取当天日期 DateTime.Date(DateTime.LocalNow()) 获取今年年份:Date.Year(DateTime.Date(DateTime.LocalNow())) ref:Date.Year - PowerQuery M | Microsoft Docs 自定义列custom column也会用到power...
= Table.SelectRows (#“Replaced Value”,每個 ([Year] <> “Year”) ) 按兩下 Power Query 功能區中的[進階編輯器] 選項,就能看到完整的 M 代碼。 如需 Power Query 公式語言的詳細資訊,請參閱深入瞭解 Power Query 公式。 需要更多協助嗎?
If you have any doubts about the value displayed by Power Query, you can verify the conversion of date values by adding new columns for the day, month, and year from the value. To do this, select the Date column and go to the Add column tab on the ribbon. In the Date and time ...
Indicates whether the given datetime value dateTime occurs during the next year, as determined by the current date and time on the system. Note that this function will return false when passed a value that occurs within the current year.
Before, when you added a table column (or another transformation that internally adds a column), the query would "drop out of cube space", and all operations would be done at a table level. At some point, this drop out could cause the query to stop folding. Performing cube operations af...
In Power Query, once queries have been shared by data stewards or other business users using Power BI for Office 365, these shared queries become available in the Power BI metadata repository. Users in the organization can find and use queries that are s
Determine if the year before the current system time is in the previous two years. Usage Power Query MCopy Date.IsInPreviousNYears(Date.AddYears(DateTime.FixedLocalNow(), -1), 2) Output true Feedback Was this page helpful? YesNo
You can also add the query parameter? fullscreen=1to a Power BI item’s link. When you use a link with this parameter on your mobile device, the mobile app will open the item in full screen mode. Visualizations New Visuals in AppSource ...
You can also add the query parameter? fullscreen=1to a Power BI item’s link. When you use a link with this parameter on your mobile device, the mobile app will open the item in full screen mode. Visualizations New Visuals in AppSource ...