从Power Query Desktop 连接到 SharePoint 文件夹 要连接到 SharePoint 文件夹: 从“获取数据”中选择“SharePoint”文件夹。详细信息:获取数据的位置 将您在确定网站 URL时复制的 SharePoint 网站 URL 粘贴到SharePoint 文件夹对话框中的网站 URL文本框。 在此示例中,网站URL为https://contoso.sharepoint.com/ma...
从Power Query Desktop 连接到 SharePoint 文件夹 要连接到 SharePoint 文件夹: 从“获取数据”中选择“SharePoint”文件夹。详细信息:获取数据的位置 将您在确定网站 URL时复制的 SharePoint 网站 URL 粘贴到SharePoint 文件夹对话框中的网站 URL文本框。 在此示例中,网站URL为https://contoso.sharepoint.com/ma...
从导航器中,可以选择位置,然后通过选择下一步在 Power Query 编辑器中转换数据。 疑难解答 使用根 SharePoint 地址 请确保提供 SharePoint 站点的根地址,没有任何子文件夹或文档。 例如,使用如下链接:https://contoso.sharepoint.com/teams/ObjectModel/ ...
SharePoint.Files(url as text, optional options as nullable record) as table 關於 傳回資料表,其中每個資料列包含於指定的 SharePoint 網站 url 上所找到的每個文件及子資料夾。 每個資料列都包含資料夾或檔案的屬性,以及其內容的連結。 可以指定 options 以控制下列選項: ApiVersion:數字 (14 或 15) 或...
这是 Power Query 从 .xlsx 读取的值,也是在 Power Query 中选择单元格时显示的值。 (有关 Power Query 中的数值精度详细信息,请转到Power Query 中的数据类型的“十进制数”和“固定十进制数”部分。 连接到联机 Excel 工作簿 如果要连接到 Sharepoint 中托管的 Excel 文档,可以通过 Power BI Desktop、Excel...
I have had a spreadsheet working well using "from sharepoint folder" option, but now it's stopped working. I'm having trouble even getting in to see where the error lies in the process, but having just tried to recreate the spreadsheet I'm running into an issue which I think is ...
So I need to import multiple excel files from SharePoint with Power Query. During loading the data, Excel showed error notification which said "Files Contains Corrupted Data". The funny thing is when I tried to import those same files from local folder with Power Query, it worke...
Export query logs for a user in an Office 365 tenant. Note Beginning February 2022, we'll be removing the Export-SPOQueryLogs command from SharePoint in Microsoft 365. We encourage users to instead download their Microsoft Search query history logs from the My Account privacy portal. Export-SP...
Enables the current tenant's "SharePoint Online Client" service principal. Export-SPOQueryLogs Export query logs for a user in an Office 365 tenant. Note Beginning February 2022, we'll be removing the Export-SPOQueryLogs command from SharePoint in Microsoft 365. We encourage users to instead ...