在Power Query 中,您可以遇到兩種類型的錯誤: 步驟層級錯誤 數據格層級錯誤 本文提供如何修正每個層級可能找到的最常見錯誤的建議,並說明每個層級的錯誤原因、錯誤訊息和錯誤詳細數據。 步驟層級錯誤 步驟層級錯誤可防止查詢載入,並在黃色窗格中顯示錯誤元件。
Table.RemoveRowsWithErrors(table as table, optional columns as nullable list) as table 關於傳回資料表,其中會移除輸入資料表中在至少一個儲存格內包含錯誤的資料列。 若有指定資料行清單,則只會針對指定資料行中的儲存格檢查錯誤。範例1從第一個資料列移除錯誤值。
1. 删除错误行提取 Table.RemoveRowsWithErrors(table astable,optionalcolumns asnullablelist) astable 第1参数是需要操作的表;第2参数是可选择的列。返回生成的也是表格式。 例: Table.RemoveRowsWithErrors(源)= 解释:删除表中所有的错误行。 Table.RemoveRowsWithErrors(源,"={"姓名"})= 解释:删除指定列的错误...
In Power Query, if your query has rows with data errors, you can remove these rows from your query. Data errors can occur as a result of a query or step evaluation, such as changing the type of a column to Number that results in errors for some cells.
Power Query M 公式語言中的錯誤是一種指示,其指出評估運算式的流程可能不會產生值。 錯誤是由遇到錯誤條件的運算子和函式引發,或透過使用error運算式來引發。 錯誤是使用try運算式來處理。 引發錯誤時,會指定一個值,其用來指出發生錯誤的原因。 Try 運算式 ...
This table from an Excel Workbook has Excel errors such as#NULL!,#REF!, and#DIV/0!in theStandard Ratecolumn. When you import this table into the Power Query editor, the following image shows how it looks. Notice how the errors from the Excel workbook are shown with the[Error]value in...
Handling data source errors (Power Query) Applies ToExcel for Microsoft 365 Excel for the web Effortlessly highlight, filter, and sort data with Copilot in Excel We're giving you a free trial of Copilot Pro.Activate now It sure feels great when you finally se...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":3914563,"subject":"Power Query: Replacing column values with only those included in list parameters","id":"message:3914563","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":2,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:2002265"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,...
To remove the local subnet restriction on public networks and allow remote access from any location, run the following command: PowerShell Set-NetFirewallRule-Name"WINRM-HTTP-In-TCP-PUBLIC"-RemoteAddressAny TheSet-NetFirewallRulecmdlet is exported by theNetSecuritymodule. ...