I am using excel 2016. I created 8 separate tabs in a spreadsheet, each tabs connects to a different table on MS SQL server(ODBC). I apply the exactly same filter (with same inventory number and sales date) in each power query, but everytime when I need to update this fi...
Formula.Firewall: Query 'Query1' (step 'Source') references other queries or steps, so it may not directly access a data source. Please rebuild this data combination. 或者: Formula.Firewall: Query 'Query1' (step 'Source') is accessing data sources that have privacy levels which cannot be...
Power Query参数化 1)新建一个sheet,并插入table,并填写参数信息 1.1)修改表名称为Parameters(后续需要用到) 2)在 Power Query 编辑器中新建一个空查询 3)在空查询中填入以下代码,并重命名该查询为fnGetParameter(后续会用到) 代码: =(ParameterNameastext) =>letParamSource=Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Par...
例如,创建Text类型的Parameter1,当前值是host1,勾选“Enable Load”,启用参数的加载属性: 三,引用参数 参数的值可能有很多,而引用的是参数的当前值(Current Value),用户可以在查询编辑器(Query Editor)中手动修改参数的当前值,参数通常用于“Get Data” 和“Query Editor”,也可用于DAX表达式中。 PowerBI通常把参...
Name輸入區分大小寫的參數名稱。 名稱必須以字母開頭,且可以包含字母、數字或底線 (_)。 名稱不可包含空格。 若是自動產生的參數,此名稱會與資料集查詢中的參數相同。 根據預設,手動建立的參數類似於 ReportParameter1。 Prompt在報表檢視器工具列上顯示於參數旁邊的文字。
Returns a table of SQL tables, views, and stored functions from the SQL Server databasedatabaseon serverserver. The port may be optionally specified with the server, separated by a colon or a comma. An optional record parameter,options, may be specified to control the following options: ...
When the Close&Load has finished, you can delete the additional sheet created for the filter query so that you just have one sheet for each of your original queries and one sheet for your filter table and the list of queries will show "Connection only" against the filter: ...
Returns a table of SQL tables and views from the Oracle database on server server. The port may be optionally specified with the server, separated by a colon. An optional record parameter, options, may be specified to control the following options:...
To use parameters in a query, you place question marks (?) in your code as placeholders. To specify the parameter, you use theSqlTypetext value and a value for thatSqlTypeinValue.Valuecan be any M value, but must be assigned to the value of the specifiedSqlType. ...