Example: You want to create a custom column for your query by creating a text string that contains the phrase "Total Sales: " concatenated with the value from theSalescolumn. An error occurs because the concatenation operation only supports text columns and not numeric ones. ...
Sometimes Power Query fails to extract all the data from an Excel Worksheet. This failure is often caused by the Worksheet havingincorrect dimensions(for example, having dimensions ofA1:C200when the actual data occupies more than three columns or 200 rows). ...
扩展表列时优化 Power Query Power BI 简单易用,用户可以快速收集数据并生成有趣而强大的报表,从而做出明智的业务决策,同时用户也可以轻松生成性能不佳的查询。 当两个表以外键方式关联 SQL 表或 SharePoint 列表时,经常会出现这种情况。 (需要说明的是,这个问题并不是 SQL 或 SharePoint 独有的问题,在许多后端...
The following table lists all of the advanced options you can set in Power Query.Expand table Advanced optionDescription Role name Specifies the role that the report uses via the driver. This role must be available to the user, otherwise no role is set. Include relationship columns If ...
Power Query M Table.UnpivotOtherColumns( Table.FromRecords({ [key = "key1", attribute1 = 1, attribute2 = 2, attribute3 = 3], [key = "key2", attribute1 = 4, attribute2 = 5, attribute3 = 6] }), {"key"}, "column1", "column2" ) ...
When you reorder the columns in Power Query, a Table.ReorderColumns function will be created. You can also rearrange multiple columns at once by modifying the formula text within the Table.ReorderColumns function (If you’re not able to see the function, right-click on any column header and ...
比如:SUMMARIZECOLUMNS函数的性能明显优于ADDCOLUMNS+SUMMARIZE组合;使用VAR定义变量的方式处理速度会更快等。 解决同一个问题,会有不同的方案,识别并选择最优的那一个! 这方面需要不断积累。 11 尽量使用默认可视化对象 能用默认的图表就不要使用自定义图表,能用简单的图表进行表达的,就不要使用高度复杂的可视化。
如何在Power Query中获取数据——表格篇(5) 删除指定数据提取 1. 删除错误行提取 Table.RemoveRowsWithErrors(table astable,optionalcolumns asnullablelist) astable 第1参数是需要操作的表;第2参数是可选择的列。返回生成的也是表格式。 例: Table.RemoveRowsWithErrors(源)=...
Solved: hi Team, I have 3 million records with 8 columns coming from DB table . i need help to get the fast way in power query to transpose 1 record
In Power Query, you can merge two or more columns in your query. You can merge columns to replace them with one merged column, or create a new merged column alongside the columns that are merged. You can only merge columns of a Text data type. The following data is used in the exampl...