Excel Power Query VLOOKUP is actually done by merging tables. Makes sense if you think about it, after all a VLOOKUP is simply pulling a column from one table into another table. This tutorial applies to Excel 2010 onwards and requires thePower Query add-in, or if you have Excel 2016 you...
if you mean Power Query you may query Table1 and Table2, merge them as new query on NameID and dates; load result into the grid. Alternatively you may add to Table1 department column which is calculated as =XLOOKUP([@NameID]&[@MaxDate],Table2[NameID]&Table2[NMaxDat...
Working with 2 Lookup tables in Power Query 12-08-2022 10:02 AM Hello Power BI Community, I have two tables in Power Query Editor pulling from 2 separate SharePoint Lists - a 'master project' table containing project names, and a 'shortlist of items assigned to projects; table c...
Show more or less column. You can select and clear the columns to be displayed in the table card. Also displays or hides the relationship for lookup columns that connect to another table currently in the designer. Add new relationship handle. Drag the handle and create a new relationship by...
As noted above, parameters need to have the correct data type. In the originalSalesDataquery, theDatecolumn had a date type. Therefore, we need the parameter to have a date type too. Load theDatetable into Power Query. Then, click on the icon next to theDateheader and selectDatefrom th...
[SOLVED] Power Query: Lookup Column Headers in Another Table, Return Corresponding Column Value By takoyaki in forum Excel General Replies: 18 Last Post: 10-24-2022, 09:13 PM importing data from SQL or MySQL to excel using Power Query By lastnn30 in forum Excel General Replies...
Another variant - make reference on lookup table, filter it on constant (ATIVO), add custom column with value 1 Merge first table with it on E, expand ID column only and group on all columns but ID with SUM aggregation AlessandraMacedo ...
Providing column names. Using labels for choice columns. Using lookup data. Handling dates. Handle dates Power BI uses dates in visualizations extensively. Power BI automatically recognizes data columns and creates hierarchies by week, month, and year. You can use these hierarchies as standard. Howe...
Add another custom column, call it Bonus Rate, with this code What we need to do is lookup the value from the Rate column in the BonusRates table, and the number of items in the list created in the previous step is the index to that value. ...
Select the columns to add from the second table At this point, you have a table resembling the one in the screenshot below. To complete the merging process, perform the following steps within the Power Query Editor: In the added column (Products), click on the two-sided arrow in the hea...