如果添加列时需要比 Power Query 中提供的即插即用列更大的灵活性,则可以使用 Power Query M 公式语言创建自己的自定义列。 假设有一个具有以下列集的表。 使用单位、单价和折扣列,将创建两个新列: 折扣前的总销售额:通过将单位列乘以单价列计算得出。
如果你发现自己在需要将同一组转换应用到不同的查询或值的情况下,请创建一个可根据需要重复使用的 Power Query 自定义函数,该函数可以根据需要多次重复使用。 Power Query 自定义函数是从一组输入值映射到单个输出值,是从本机 M 函数和运算符创建的。
If you add more columns the only you need is to change columns selected at the beginning of second query. Another variant is do everything with lists, more coding, perhaps bit more flexible and less steps. Not sure that's better, Power Query is optimized for tables, not lists. And here...
在Power BI Desktop 中,可以使用 Power Query 编辑器向模型添加新的自定义数据列。 利用 Power Query 编辑器,可以创建和重命名自定义列,从而创建 PowerQuery M 公式查询,用于定义自定义列。 PowerQuery M 公式查询包含全面的函数引用内容集。在 Power Query 编辑器中创建自定义列时,Power BI Desktop 会将其作为...
Custom Column - Power query 如果Status列的值为“Act" or "Actual",那新的列值为"Act“,否则为”OTHER STATUS“。 ifList.Contains( {"Act","Actual"}, [Status] ) then"Act"else"OTHER STATUS" ref:https://gorilla.bi/power-query/if-function-in-power-query/#:~:text=IF%20Statements%20in%20...
Hello I have this formula in custom power query column. I want to make a list of times in a 5 minutes interval. The start is in [Zaciatok Procedury] column and the end is in [Koniec Procedruy]. For e... sebastian62460 Duration.Minutes doesn't calculate the number of minutes between...
You can add a custom column to your current query by creating a formula. Power Query validates the formula syntax in the same way as theQuery Editingdialog box. For more information about the Power Query Formula Language, seeCreate Power Query formulas. ...
You can add a custom column to your current query by creating a formula. Power Query validates the formula syntax in the same way as the Query Editing dialog box. For more information about the Power Query Formula Language, see Create Power Query formulas. Add a custom...
Another useful DAX function for creating custom columns is the “IF” function. This function allows you to specify a condition and return a value if the condition is true, and another value if the condition is false. For example, you can use the IF function to create a custom column that...
Custom Function argument: You can create a new function from a query and reference parameters as the arguments of your custom function. In the next sections, you'll see an example for these two scenarios. Step argument To enable this feature, first go to theViewtab in the Power Query edito...