4. Then, you can see the power query today minus the date in Power BI. Power Query Today Minus 7 days Today, it’sApril 11, 2024. If I subtract 7 days, it will beApril 4, 2024. Now, let’s see how to do it in Power Query Editor: Open the Power Query editor. Then, under ...
removal of this service to allow people more time to complete the transition of their code to use the Web API. If you have detected that you're still using this endpoint, you must prioritize transitioning this code to use Web API so you'll be prepared when the final removal date is ...
Last Modified: Refine your search based on the date when the query was last modified. You can select from a pre-specified time interval in the drop-down list ranging from Today to Last Year. Column Names: Refine your search to return results only from the specified column n...
If we’re interested in finding out about the disk drives on our server, this query will help: PowerShell gwmi-query"select * from Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType=3"| select Name, FreeSpace, Size For each locally attached drive (DriveType=3) the properties returned are the drive letter ...
will begin April 1, 2025, until which your users will be able to use these apps and flows. However, if an action to purchase and assign Premium licenses to users is not taken now before the full enforcement date of April 1, 2025, such users will be unable to use these apps and ...
<Type> <Name>System.String</Name> <Members> <ScriptProperty> <Name>CanPing</Name> <GetScriptBlock> $wmi = get-wmiobject -query "SELECT * FROM Win32_PingStatus WHERE Address = '$this'" if ($wmi.StatusCode -eq 0) { $true } else { $false } </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> <...
This update brings the on-premises data gateway up to date with the May 2023 release of Power BI Desktop. This version of the gateway will ensure that the reports that you publish to the Power BI Service and refresh via the gateway will go through the same query execution logic/run-time ...
We are building indexes on imported string columns to improve query performance of substring searches, i.e. when using ContainsString function, Search function or a filter to look for a string literal in a text column. Here’s an example of a text filter set using the filter pane: ...
The value is True if the report processor detects a dataset query with a direct or indirect reference to this parameter, or if the report has subreports. Always refresh Choose this option when the report parameter is used directly or indirectly in a dataset query or parameter expression. This...
Not all parameters can be modified in all cases. If a report parameter gets a default value from a dataset query, that value can't be modified for a published report. It also can't be modified on the report server. The value used at run time is determined when the query runs. If yo...