If any one know how to find max value with a conditional selection in another column? (Power Query only) Example like below, try to find "Column 1 = B" + maximum value in column 2 Expect result: (please note I want it return to all fields) Luke_Lee In addition to...
To demonstrate how to do "fuzzy grouping," consider the sample table shown in the following image. The goal of fuzzy grouping is to do a group-by operation that uses an approximate match algorithm for text strings. Power Query uses the Jaccard similarity algorithm to measure the similarity bet...
please help me how to get it with MQuery. Tank you Very much SODERK For such sample if you mean Power Query you may query Table1 and Table2, merge them as new query on NameID and dates; load result into the grid. Alternatively you may add to Table1 department column...
某些Power Query Desktop 函数需要 Power Query Online 中的网关 刷新数据流表 从Power Query Desktop 中获取数据 如果你已在 Power Query(在 Power BI Desktop 或 Excel 中)中有查询,则可能希望将查询迁移到数据流中。 迁移过程简单明了。 在本文中,您将了解执行此操作的步骤。
How Power Query helps with data acquisition Business users spend up to 80 percent of their time on data preparation, which delays the work of analysis and decision-making. Several challenges contribute to this situation, and Power Query helps address many of them. ...
Connect to an Excel workbook from Power Query Online To make the connection from Power Query Online: Select theExcel workbookoption in the get data experience. Different apps have different ways of getting to the Power Query Online get data experience. For more information about how to get to ...
In this blog post we explore how to replicate a VLOOKUP in Power Query using merge queries. Excel users love VLOOKUP. It is one of the most useful functions there is. So it stands to reason that we may need to perform similar tasks in Power Query. ...
ConnectionTimeoutA duration that controls how long to wait before abandoning an attempt to make a connection to the server. The default value is 15 seconds. CommandTimeoutA duration that controls how long the server-side query is allowed to run before it is canceled. The default value is ten...
The following steps describe how this conversion occurs, and how to prevent it.The simplified query for this table appears in the following image:The data type of the Subscribed To Newsletter column is set to Any, and as a result, Power BI loads the data into the model as Text....
“Services”). The Services allow users to search for certain data sets using Microsoft Power Query for Microsoft Excel (the “Plug-In”). If you are using the Services in connection with a subscription to Power BI for Microsoft 365 (“Power BI”), the Services will also allow y...