Open the Power Query editor. Then, under the Home tab, expand New Source and click on Blank Query. In the formula bar, put below the DAX expression. = Date.From(Date.AddDays(DateTime.LocalNow(), -7)) Where: Date.From()= This function converts a given date and time into just a d...
Application of DAX functions in retrieving month names from the date column in Power BI To retrieve month names from a date column, the primary DAX function you would use is FORMAT, as previously mentioned. While other functions like LEFT and RIGHT can be used to manipulate text strings, they...
Returns the name of the month component for the provided date. An optional culture may also be provided (for example, "en-US").Example 1Get the month name.UsagePower Query M Copy Date.MonthName(#datetime(2011, 12, 31, 5, 0, 0), "en-US") Output...
letCalendarType=typefunction(optional CalendarYearStartas(type number meta[Documentation.FieldCaption="开始年份,日期表从开始年份1月1日起。",Documentation.FieldDescription="日期表从开始年份1月1日起",Documentation.SampleValues={Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow())-1}// Previous Year]),optional CalendarYearEndas...
If you have any doubts about the value displayed by Power Query, you can verify the conversion of date values by adding new columns for the day, month, and year from the value. To do this, select the Date column and go to the Add column tab on the ribbon. In the Date and time ...
=Datepart("yyyy", First(Fields!SellStartDate.Value, "DataSet1")) DateSerial 函式會傳回代表指定年、月、日,並將時間資訊設為午夜的 Date 值。 下列範例會根據目前月份顯示上個月的結束日期: basic 複製 =DateSerial(Year(Now()), Month(Now()), "1").AddDays(-1) 下列運算式會根據...
fx=(AppKey as text ,AppSecret as text,Month as date,RecodeName as text,NameList as list ) as table=> let token=Json.Document( Text.FromBinary(Web.Contents("https://oapi.dingtalk.com/gettoken?appkey="&AppKey&"&appsecret="&AppSecret)))[], ...
一個月前=DateSerial(Year(Parameters!TodaysDate.Value),Month(Parameters!TodaysDate.Value)-1,Day(Parameters!TodaysDate.Value)) 兩個月前=DateSerial(Year(Parameters!TodaysDate.Value),Month(Parameters!TodaysDate.Value)-2,Day(Parameters!TodaysDate.Value)) ...
Don't use the relative date filtering in Power Query Editor.It's possible to define relative date filtering in Power Query Editor. For example, you can filter to the rows where the date is in the last 14 days. However, this filter translates into a filter based on a fixed date, such ...