// Retrieve all parents per rowfnAllParents = List.Generate(()=>[Result= Feed, Level=1, EndlessLoop = false, StopEndlessLoop = false],each Table.RowCount([Result]) >0and not [StopEndlessLoop],each [ Result=let#"Merged Queries" = Table.NestedJoin([Result],{ParentKey},AddMissingParents,...
假设我们想输出数字 1 到 10,用List.Generate来实现。在 Power Query 中创建一个空查询,进入高级编辑器,在高级编辑器中输入下面的代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 let Source = List.Generate( () => 1, (x) => x <= 10, (x) => x+1 ) in Source 查询编辑器显示的结果如下: 对这个例子解释一下: ste...
PowerQuery编程:List.Generate()函数解析: List.Generate( () => [x = 1, y = ""], each [x] <= 10, each [x = [x]+1, y = [y]&Text.From([x])], each [y] )
这段代码来自:Loops in Power Query M language defList.Generate(start,condition,next,transform=None):results=list()item=initial()whilecondition(item)==True:results.append(item)item=next(item)ifselectorisnotNone:output=list()foriteminresults:output.append(selector(item))else:output=resultsreturnoutpu...
此函数添加扩展所需的表类型元数据,以返回 Power Query 可识别为导航树的表值。 有关详细信息,请参阅导航表。 Power Query M复制 Table.ToNavigationTable = ( table as table, keyColumns as list, nameColumn as text, dataColumn as text, itemKindColumn as text, itemNameColumn as text, isLeafColumn ...
Power Query M List.Generate(() => 10, each _ > 0, each _ - 1) 输出 {10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1} 示例2 生成包含 x 和 y 的记录列表,其中 x 是一个值,y 是一个列表。 x 应小于 10,表示列表 y 中的项数。 生成列表后,只返回 x 值。
PowerQuery技巧之List.Generate List.Generate 官方说明:给定生成初始值initial的四个函数,针对条件condition进行测试,如果成功,则选择结果并生成下一个值next,以此生成值列表。还可以指定可选参数selector。List.Generate(initial as function, condition as function, next as function, optional selector as nullable...
= List.Generate(=>1,(x)=>x<=10,(x)=>x+1) 我们只用了三个参数:列表从1开始,列表元素要小于等于10,每个元素+1来生成列表,等于我们省略了第四参数:(x)=>x 我们把第四参数补上也是同样结果。 再来看一个复杂的例子:同样是1-10 列表 = List.Generate( ...
Refresh of report visualsData refreshSchema refresh What do the different refresh types do? Queries used to populate visuals are refreshed. For visuals using DirectQuery tables, the visual will query to get the latest data from the data source. For visuals using imported tables, the visual will...
Power Query will return the message "Evaluation was canceled" when background analysis is disabled and the user switches between queries or closes the Query Editor while a query is in the process of refreshing. Error: The key didn't match any rows in the table ...