还有一种做法就是 if err[HasError] 因为这个属性是所有 Error 对象都含有的。 在中间步骤产生 Error 可以帮助我们早发现、早解决。但是我们的处理接下来的步骤不推荐围绕着错误进行。比如将 try otherwise 当作类似于 if then else 的用法,进行逻辑判断。尽量不要这样去做,因为带着报错走下一步可能会有无法估计...
.InitialFileName = ThisWorkbook.FullName If .Show <> 0 Then path = dig.SelectedItems(1) On Error Resume Next ThisWorkbook.Queries("路径").Delete ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add Name:="路径", Formula:= _ """ & path & """ & " meta [IsParameterQuery=true, Type=""Text"", IsParameterQueryReq...
(译者注:这里用 Power Query 生成的日期表常常用于构建数据模型,并与 DAX 搭配使用。在 DAX 中的日期智能函数不能处理自定义日期区间的相关计算,需要用更通用的 DAX 处理模式,对此,在 Power BI 领域著名的 Rob Collie 总结了一个编写 DAX 公式的套路,被俗称:GFITW(Greatest Formula In The World),以便于识记...
目前,有两种 Power Query 体验可用: Power Query Online- 可在 Power BI 数据流、Microsoft Power Platform 数据流、Azure 数据工厂处理数据流等集成中找到,通过在线网页提供体验。 Power Query for Desktop- 存在于 Power Query for Excel 和 Power BI Desktop 等集成中。
If .Show <> 0 Then path = dig.SelectedItems(1) On Error Resume Next ThisWorkbook.Queries("路径").Delete ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add Name:="路径", Formula:= _ """ & path & """ & " meta [IsParameterQuery=true, Type=""Text"", IsParameterQueryRequired=true]" ThisWorkbook...
=IF(G1="","null",G1-F1) Answer 2: Use the UNDO or CTRL+Z (twice) or, once it automatically copied the formula you typed, an icon will appear once you press the ENTER. Click on that Icon, and it will show an options, then simply choose "Stop Automatically Creating Calculated Colu...
Power Query M formula language In any data transformation scenario, there are some transformations that can't be done in the best way by using the graphical editor. Some of these transformations might require special configurations and settings that the graphical interface doesn't currently support....
When importing Excel data, you may notice that certain number values seem to change slightly when imported into Power Query. For example, if you select a cell containing 0.049 in Excel, this number is displayed in the formula bar as 0.049. But if you import the same cell into Power Query...
IF functions. The purpose of the code is to filter (if that is the correct nomecleture) the rows of data and inform me if a given row matches the given conditions - that is, the student is absent in the Home Class or Event and did not sign in later. Specifically, the fo...
To create Power Query formulas in Excel, you can use the Query Editor formula bar, or the Advanced Editor. There are many Power Query formulas you can use to discover, combine and refine data.