在Preview 中刷新就可以看到这个错误。 对于Power Query 新手朋友来说,很常见的做法是,处理 > 报错 > 无视 > 筛掉错误行 > 硬着头皮做下去…… 这样很容易造成的结果就是,我们有一大推逻辑(甚至自己都解释不清楚的业务逻辑)然后需要改动,或者因为新加入的数据崩了,再往回找就很麻烦很麻烦。 更可怕的是,自己...
无论是否相信,现在已经重新创建了 Power Query 在单击【合并文件】按钮时生成的所有组件(只是还没有实际使用它们),如图17-8所示。 图17-8所有组件都已经成功创建 17.1.5 调用转换函数 现在是证明一切都已正确连接的时候了。 选择“Orders”查询,转到【主页】选项卡,选择【选择列】下的【选择列】勾选“Content”...
The Power Query Formula Language provides a wide variety of formulas that are used to build complex expressions. Power Query formulas can be written or modified in the Query Editor, by using the formula bar.
Power Query Formulas I have a table that shows students Col A, test date Col B, and test score Col C. After I sort by student-asc, then test date-asc, the formula =IF(A2=A1,+D1+1,1) in column D tells me what how many tests the student has taken. Column E shows the differen...
A core capability of Power Query is to filter and combine, that is, to mash-up data from one or more of a rich collection of supported data sources. Any such data mashup is expressed using the Power Query M formula language. The M language is a functional, case sensitive language ...
只好再后退,回到Microsoft Power Query for Excel 帮助页面,然后找到“请在此处中查找本文的英文版本以便参考。”进入英文页面,点击Power Query formula categories,才能顺利找到PowerQuery公式。 这是最憨的方法一。 方法二:直接将https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/Mt253322?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US添加到收藏...
Power Query formula Question 1: In Column H is a simple formula to show the variance between columns G and F. How can I show a "null" in H when there is nothing in G? Question 2: Column F has a simple formula that ...
在遇到任何单元格级别错误时,Power Query 提供了一组函数,通过删除、替换或保留错误来处理这些错误。 对于后续部分,提供的示例将使用相同的示例查询作为起点。 在此查询中,您有一个Sales列,该列有一个单元格,包含一个由转换错误引发的错误。 该单元格中的值为NA;但将该列转换为整数时,Power Query 无法将NA转换...
This topic applies to the Power Query Formula Language which can be used with Power Query and Power BI Desktop to build queries that mashup data. See the list of function categories.About The following tables describe the Power Query formula categories that can be used to manually create or mo...
Power BI Desktop provides a robust adjunct to the Power BI services by offering access to a wider range of data sources and transformations, in addition to its offline capabilities. At the heart of Power BI Desktop is the Power Query Formula Language (PQFL), a dynamically typ...