如下图所示,在View->Query Dependencies里面可以看到,这个Power bi desktop中有多个数据源,相关性如下图,但是只有四个表是最终展示给用户的,设置成了Loaded,其他的都是Load disabled的。 当点中table,右键去掉默认的Enable Load的勾选✔时,会提示如下内容。 看提示也能基本明白,就是如果你把这个表table Enable L...
这里强调一下,在Power Query Editor部分没有再做表table方面的修改,然后勾选掉Include in report refresh,之后Close & Apply,去掉勾选✔的表table是不会再更新refresh的,但是如果你的表table方面做了修改的,比如去掉了勾选✔Enable Load,并且也去掉了勾选✔Include in report refresh,当Close & Apply的时候,...
I Collect data from multiple sources and then append them to one query, then when I load the data all the queries and tables are loaded, the original and the appended tables, this results in data duplication in reports. I found an option in Power BI to enable or disable loading data for...
六,Query的其他操作 对Query分组,分组的目的是组织Query,便于查找。当Query的数量非常多时,可以按照功能或Page对不同的Query分组。 Query是否启用加载,是否包含在报表刷新中? 如果启用了“Enable load”,那么Query的数据会显示在Report View中;如果启用了”Include in report refresh“中,Query可以随着报表的刷新而自动...
After creating this new query, change the name of the query to Country Analysis and disable the load of the Customers table by unmarking the Enable load option from the Suppliers query.Merging queriesA merge queries operation joins two existing tables together based on matching values from one ...
Power Query 提供了多种方法来创建和加载 Power 查询到工作簿中。 还可以在查询选项窗口中设置默认查询加载设置。 提示若要判断工作表中的数据是否由 Power Query 形成,请选择一个数据单元格,如果出现查询上下文功能区选项卡,则从 Power Query 加载数据。
在Power Query > 选择数据源弹出窗口中,选择您的数据源。 在本例中,我们将选择SharePoint Online 列表。 选择数据源后,系统将提示您提供 SharePoint 列表的连接设置,包括连接到数据源时要使用的站点 URL和连接凭据帐户。 系统可能会提示您输入凭据以继续。 输入正确的设置后,窗口右下角的下一步按钮将变为可用状态...
Currently, Power Query Online only supports Basic authentication. SelectUse Encrypted Connectionif you're using any encrypted connection, then choose the SSL crypto provider. If you're not using an encrypted connection, clearUse Encrypted Connection. More information:Enable encryption for SAP HANA ...
POWER QUERY ribbon tab is missing POWER QUERY ribbon tab is missing There may be times after you install Power Query when thePOWER QUERYtab does not appear. This is due to the Microsoft Power Query for Excel COM add-in failing to load. Most of the time the solution is quite simple: jus...
Enable SQL Server Failover support If checked, when a node in the SQL Server failover group isn't available, Power Query moves from that node to another when failover occurs. If cleared, no failover occurs.Once you select the advanced options you require, select OK in Power Query Desktop...