我需要在Power Query (M-query)中找到两个日期(Check In和Check Out日期)之间的月份差异。可以类似于下面的DAX。 period of months = DATEDIFF([dateCheckIn], [dateCheckOut], MONTH ) 我发现了函数daysDiff = each Duration.days([date1]-[date2]),但没有用于计算月份差异的函数。
在Power Query中新建一个空白查询: 在编辑栏里输入“=#shared”,并点击回车。 点击“转换”下的“到表中” 所有的M函数已经被调取出来: 我们可以点击Function旁边的空白处查看该函数的解释。也可以通过筛选Name列找到感兴趣的函数。比如我们查找之前介绍过的Excel.Workbook 通过此方法我们可以快速查看所有M语言的解释,...
使用上面三种DAX函数生成日期表还有一个小小的遗憾,就是CALENDAR函数生成的日期列字段名都是英文的[Date],而其他列都是中文,不过可以在生成日期表后进行手动更改,这个比较简单。第三种方法是使用M语言:对于很多Power BI使用者来说,尤其是没有接触过PowerQuery的人来说,M语言比较少用,也比较难一些,在这里直接给出表...
origin_date = Sheets("使用说明").Range("G10") Set ws = Worksheets.Add ws.Name = "日期" ws.Range("A:A").NumberFormatLocal = "YYYY-MM-DD" ws.Cells(1, 1) = "日期" ws.Cells(2, 1) = origin_date For i = 3 To DateDiff("d", origin_date, Now) + 1 ws.Cells(i, 1) = w...
ws.Range("A:A").NumberFormatLocal = "YYYY-MM-DD" ws.Cells(1, 1) = "日期" ws.Cells(2, 1) = origin_date For i = 3 To DateDiff("d", origin_date, Now) + 1 ws.Cells(i, 1) = ws.Cells(i - 1, 1) + 1 Next i
今天给大家介绍三个创建Power BI日期表的途径,分别对应着一种语言,Excel中的VBA语言,适用于Power BI和PowerPivot的DAX语言,适用于Power BI和PowerQuery的M语言,每一种途径都各有优势和劣势,大家可以视情况而定。 第一种是VBA语言: 直接用excel中的vba语言编写,通过添加简单的按钮可以实现一键创建日期表,并灵活修改...
Date & Time Functions:DATEDIFF, DATEVALUE Statistical Functions:GEOMEAN, MEDIAN Other Functions:UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT, NATURALINNERJOIN, NATURALLEFTEROUTERJOIN, SUMMARIZECOLUMNS, ISEMPTY, VAR What are Slicers on Power BI? Slicers can be used to refine the data on the canvas. Users select a ...
DATEDIFF function (DAX) - DAX | Microsoft Learn DAY function (DAX) - DAX | Microsoft Learn If the solutions @ChiragGarg2512 and I provided help you solve the problem, please consider to mark them as the solution. Best Regards! Yolo Zhu If this post helps, then please consider Accept it...
PowerQuery M Language 获取当天时间青山白衣 IP属地: 天津 0.1 2019.10.30 15:30 字数6 获取当天时间 Custom = Table.AddColumn(previous, "today", each Date.AddDays(DateTime.Date(DateTime.LocalNow()),-0)) //如果是前一天就 -1 最后编辑于 :2019-11-12 17:09:21 ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内...
Perhaps less obvious is the reason we specified SECOND instead of HOUR in our DATEDIFF function even though we want this metric in hours and thus the division by 3600 seconds/hour. The reason is that if we had specified HOUR, then DATEDIFF would have truncated the calculat...