=IIF(DateDiff("d",Fields!ImportantDate.Value, Now())>7,"Red","Blue") 測試PhoneNumber欄位的值,如果為 null 值 (在 Visual Basic 中為Nothing),則傳回 "No Value", 否則,會傳回電話號碼值。 此運算式可用來控制報表項目中文字輸入框的值: ...
{"LS_SUBMITTED_DT_TM", type datetime}, {"EFFECTIVE_DATE", type date}, {"EMPLOYEE_ID", Int64.Type}, {"CURRENT_POSITION", Int64.Type}, {"CURRENT_POSITION_TITLE", type text}, {"SEPARATION_DATE", Int64.Type}, {"PROBATIONARY_PEROID", type any}, {"SENIORITY_DATE", Int64.Type}, ...
Open the Power Query editor. Then, under the Home tab, expand New Source and click on Blank Query. In the formula bar, put below the DAX expression. = Date.From(Date.AddDays(DateTime.LocalNow(), -7)) Where: Date.From()= This function converts a given date and time into just a d...
請勿使用 Power Query 相對日期篩選:可以在 Power Query 查詢中定義相對日期篩選。 例如,擷取去年建立的銷售訂單 (相對於今天的日期)。 這種篩選類型會轉譯成效率極低的原生查詢,如下所示: SQL 複製 … from [dbo].[Sales] as [_] where [_].[OrderDate] >= convert(datetime2, '2018-01-01 00:00:00...
Using this locale, Power Query will be able to interpret values correctly and convert those values to the right data type.To verify final date valuesThe formatting of the values is driven by the globalization value. If you have any doubts about the value displayed by Power Query, you can ...
Boolean 轉換成 Integer=System.Convert.ToInt32(Fields!BooleanFormat.Value) 1為 True 而 0 為 False。 只有DateTimeOffset 值的 DateTime 部分=Fields!MyDatetimeOffset.Value.DateTime 只有DateTimeOffset 值的 Offset 部分=Fields!MyDatetimeOffset.Value.Offset ...
dollar signs. By using the methods we’ve discussed in this article, including the Power Query Editor and DAX functions, you can convert the text to number format and remove the dollar signs. This will enable you to perform further analysis on the data and gain valuable insights into your ...
024.23". When imported into Power Query, this value is represented as the text value "1,024.23" instead of as the underlying full-fidelity number (1024.231). This is because, in this case, ACE doesn't surface the underlying value to Power Query, but only the value as it's displayed in...
(for example, merging queries) are challenging for beginners. They need to try some complicated data sets and implement different requirements. Additionally, the Power Query Editor is a user-friendly editor. The editor translates each step into the Power Query M language. Therefore, it is ...
=DateAdd("d",3,Fields!BirthDate.Value) =Code.ToUSD(Fields!StandardCost.Value) 验证表达式 创建用于特定报表项属性的表达式时,可包含在表达式中的引用取决于该报表项属性可接受的值以及对属性进行求值的作用域。 例如: 默认情况下,在对表达式进行求值时表达式 [Sum] 计算处于作用域中的数据的和。 对于表单元...