目前,當您使用 Power Query Desktop 連線到 SAP HANA 資料庫時,您可以選取 [啟用數據行系結 進階] 選項來啟用數據行系結。您也可以在現有的查詢或 Power Query Online 中使用的查詢中啟用數據行系結,方法是在 Power Query 公式列或進階編輯器中手動將 選項新增 EnableColumnBinding 至連線。 例如:...
Currently, when you use Power Query Desktop to connect to an SAP HANA database, you can select theEnable column bindingadvanced option to enable column binding. You can also enable column binding in existing queries or in queries used in Power Query Online by manually adding theEnableColumnBindi...
In the first row of the new column, type the country name that corresponds to the first address. Power Query will try to infer the pattern and fill the rest of the values based on your example. If some cells are blank or filled with incorrect values, provide another example in the secon...
[Supplier_Country] = "MX" then "North America" else "Rest of world"), #"Filtered Rows1" = Table.SelectRows(#"Added Conditional Column", each ([Region] = "North America")), #"Collapsed and Removed Columns" = Cube.CollapseAndRemoveColumns(#"Filtered Rows1", {"HISTORY_CREATEDAT", "...
\n=Table.SplitColumn(\n prevStep,\n \"Column\",\n Splitter.SplitTextByAnyDelimiter({\"del1\",\"del2\",\"del3\"}, QuoteStyle.Csv),\n null\n)","kudosSumWeight":0,"repliesCount":2,"postTime":"2020-11-30T11:51:24.605-08:00","images":{"__typename":"AssociatedIm...
Solution: You split the IoT DateTime column into a column named Date and a column named Time. Does this meet the goal? A. Yes B. No 答案A Yes 解析:尽管将Date/Time split成两列,但是减少了每列的唯一值,因此会提升performance 51. From Power Query Editor, you profile the data shown in th...
- add column with number of rows in each table - add one more columns with text in first row of each table and remove column with tables - add column with conditional result and remove other but Index and Result columns Now merge first table with above one on Index into new query, expa...
目前,使用 Power Query Desktop 连接到 SAP HANA 数据库时,可以选择启用列绑定高级选项来启用列绑定。 还可以通过在 Power Query 编辑栏或高级编辑器中手动将EnableColumnBinding选项添加到连接,在现有查询或 Power Query Online 中使用的查询中启用列绑定。 例如: ...
目前,使用 Power Query Desktop 连接到 SAP HANA 数据库时,可以选择启用列绑定高级选项来启用列绑定。 还可以通过在 Power Query 编辑栏或高级编辑器中手动将EnableColumnBinding选项添加到连接,在现有查询或 Power Query Online 中使用的查询中启用列绑定。 例如: ...
Here the conditional column does not work, because I would need the first occurence of the letter, i.e just the "A" or "B" to get a row with REF or RUP in the "costum" column. The way you have gained your required output, is fine. I am just adding one more option her...