使用Power Query,通过在查询中定义 IF-THEN-ELSE 条件,可以将条件列添加到查询。 满足条件后,条件列将自动显示指定的值。
I have a formula calculated in Excel that I am now looking to calculate in Power Query. I know I can only use column reference while writing IF statements in PQ. Can you please let me know what the Custom Column would be based on the below Excel calculation? =IF(M5=N5,M5,IF(AND(M5...
You can add a conditional column to your query by using a dialog box to create the formula. To open a query, locate one previously loaded from the Power Query Editor, select a cell in the data, and then selectQuery>Edit. For more information seeCreate, load, or edit a query ...
I need DepID field into Table1 as new custom column from Table2, condition is two columns equals: Table1[MaxDate] = Table2[NMaxDate] and Table1[NameID] = Table2[NameID]. please help me how to get it with MQuery. Tank you Very much if you mean Power Query you ...
Thecatchkeyword was introduced to Power Query in May of 2022. Provide your own conditional error logic Using the same sample data source as the previous section, the new goal is to create a new column for theFinal Rate. If the value from theStandard Rateexists, then that value is used. ...
The way you have gained your required output, is fine. I am just adding one more option here usingPower Querybelow Step-1Add a Custom Column to your base table as below- if Text.PositionOf([Name],"_") = -1 then [Name] else ...
Now, in this data, you have to add a new column named “Status.” The values in this column are conditional and work according to the following rule: “If the city temperature is greater than25, then Status column will containHigh, else the status column will containMedium.” ...
Power Query 编写M代码的if语句 通常情况下,Conditional Column 对一些基本场景很有帮助。 有时,您可能需要使用具有 AND 或 OR 逻辑的多个条件。 在这种情况下,对于更复杂的情况,您必须在自定义列中编写 M 代码。 示例1:基本 if 语句 以第一个数据为例,如果产品状态为Old,则显示50%的折扣; 如果产品状态为新...
Or, they want to automatically apply a discount, if an order is greater than $500. A calculated column can contain values resulting from simple math operations, or conditional operations, such as greater than or if-else, and many others. You can accomplish all this by using Power Apps, no...
If you’re looking to learn more comprehensive information about these new features we’ve rolled out for column and bar charts, look for our dedicatedblog post. Extended customization for data labels Data labels are also getting more options this month!With this month’s update,you’ll...